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61, He was still suffering from blackheads and other rash problems which jolted his vanity every time he looked in the mirror. 62, They do so not out of wounded vanity but because the scientific formulation has destroyed accustomed reinforcers. 63, Virtue would not go to such lengths if vanity did not keep her company.Francois de La Rochefoucauld 64, His erect pompadour stands as proof that his male vanity is unharmed despite his incarceration. 65, This worries me a little, possibly because it lacks any of those conceits of artistic expression which my vanity holds so dearly. 66, What is called generosity is usually only the vanity of giving; we enjoy the vanity more than the thing given.Francois de La Rochefoucauld 67, And he had always been so meticulous about his appearance, almost to the point of vanity. 68, Again, this was no act of vanity or calculated lust for power. 69, No vanity here: the result is a warts-and-all publication intended as salutary reading during management training. 70, The workouts were intended to relieve stress, but they were for vanity, too. 71, Curiosity is only vanity. We usually only want to know something so that we can talk about it.Blaise Pascal 72, That vanity about captivating girls with my account of the wild flower is long past. 73, They say I had the vanity to go down to Croisset and make an embarrassing scene on his doorstep. 74, But for pure vanity, the D-777 is the sleekest, kind-of-now portable on the market. 75, Instead, he had directed his talents to bolstering the vanity of the military and the higher-paid members of the Civil service. 76, She suspects me of a form of vanity in sidling up to the existential questions. 77, He has kept his figure and his bearing - although I suspect vanity might have him wearing a male corset. 78, Consequently, what forms the bane of middle-aged women's vanity can be used to your advantage. 79, By using key lines as verbal motifs, Pimlott also turns the play into a sombre meditation on the vanity of power. 80, Once inside, she sank on to the quilted bench opposite the marble vanity and stared at her reflection. 81, Her older sisters plaited and decorated her hair, encouraging an already overdeveloped vanity. 82, The fury aroused by his anti-Pitt eloquence was at once frightening and flattering to his vanity. 83, But Menem later reacted with displeasure to a Vanity Fair article by Madonna in which she recounted the hectic process of filming. 84, However, little things which affect our vanity often influence us more strongly than major things which could affect our health. 85, Jo's vanity wouldn't let her walk past a mirror without looking in it. 86, She put the books down on the vanity table and with trembling fingers opened her handbag to find her face powder. 87, Like vanity publishing, vanity radio is usually not economically beneficial for those who pay for it. 88, It wasn't vanity that had prompted her to freshen herself up. 89, She was carrying a small vanity case in one hand and her handbag in the other. 90, But the view from the col was decisive and I stayed to indulge my vanity.