快好知 kuaihz

151, Imagine that our stakeholders are Aunt Marian in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Uncle Cid in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and cousin Tanya in Jackson, Mississippi. 152, FAAS is applied to the determination of Ag Fe Cu in lead ingots. 153, "Writing about my childhood was so much easier, " she told The Santa Fe New Mexican in 1996. 154, The content of Zn, Fe, Cu, Ca, Mn and Pb in blood of 103 children with rachitis was determined. 155, Conclusion The finite element model can be used in multiform FE experiments in oral medicine. 156, In this paper, light-burned magnesia was hydrated and carbonated to afford magnesium bicarbonate liquor, Fe and Ca of which were removed by activated carbon. 157, Stephen Kearny had seized Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, without firing a shot. 158, Based on a large quantity of data of water quality analysis at Suihe prefecture, this paper analyzed and demonstrated the law of distribution of Fe ions in groundwater at this prefecture. 159, A method for determination of Al, Ag , Bi , Cu , Cd , Co , Fe , Ni , Pb , Mg , Sn, Se, Zn in tellurium ingot by ICP AES were studied. 160, This paper briefly introduced the phosphating treatment technology Zn - Fe alloy plating, and discuss the influence of technology parameters on quality of phosphatic coating. 161, Results BMSCs could be effectively labeled by FE. The labeled cells appeared light-yellow or deep-yellow under microscope, which was dependent on the dose of FE. 162, Eight mineral elements of K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn in potentilla anserina L. were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). 163, Mn ~ ( 2 + ) is the strongest activator, then Fe ~ ( 2 + ). 164, At the same time, NH4Cl roasting method possesses selectivity to chlorinating Fe so the Fe content in leaching solution is very low. It is advantageous to recover RE in subsequent purification. 165, The effect of Fe - based amorphous alloys average electron consistence on crystallization temperature was investigated. 166, The composition and morphology of inclusions were analyzed by using FE - SEM with EDS. 167, The article discusses the influence of design parameters of static drive FE LCD on effective voltage of liquid crystal layer and gives some basis about design and analyse of this LCD. 168, Increasing diet AI enhanced Fe and Zn, but decreased Cu in liver, heart and kidney. 169, Shiva Moradfar of Rancho Santa Fe believes her home escaped the fire. 170, The above results suggest that the coexistence of Fe and S has a large synergetic effect on the pyrolysis reaction and the product formation process. 171, Through extractive separation with diethyl ether, the method has been applied to the determination of Fe in tap water, the relative error is 4.3%, the rate of recovery is 95.5-107.7%. 172, After that I will go back home to Reconquista in Santa Fe. 172,try its best to collect and build good sentences. 173, Compared with single acid rain pollution, compound pollution made contents of Fe in spinach and romaine lettuce raised 1.48 and 15.89 times, but the contents of Mg decreased slightly. 174, This kind of emulsive liquid membrane has a higher migration over Sc(III), no migration over Fe(III), and less migration over Ti(III). 175, And the theoretically exponential dependence of electron photo-excitation coefficient S of the Fe center on the wavelength in the visible is obtained. 176, The Federal Marshals took me away in handcuffs to the Santa Fe County Adult Correctional Facility. 177, Tmis paper deals with the ordering of Fe - 1.83 C ( Wt % ) martensite during aging at roomtemperature. 178, Fe nu ki ad urba . She is now going to town. 179, We begin at the Santa Fe Trail, or what remains of it. 180, The determination of Fe in Heme by ICP AES is described in the present paper.