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211, With establishment of the limit solubilities of Fe in Al at different temperatures, the solid solution and precipitation heat treatment are proposed for strengthening cube texture. 212, As such, Cu, Fe, Au, Ag have been more returned , presumptive effect was reached. 213, Experiments show that Fe 2 O 3 of low silicon iron tailings can't effectively crystallize the whole glass. 214, FE model of composite beam embedded with double through thickness delaminations is constructed using the technology of reference surface finite element and virtual bar element. 215, Stability method that based on the FE (Finite Element) stress analysis of slip surface and the shear strength reduction method are two principal methods of FEM slope stability analysis. 216, The main ingredients of the slime were SiC powder, EPS powder, Cr - Fe powder, auxiliary infiltration agent and binder, etc. 217, The mineral form of black iron oxide, Fe 3 O 4 manganese and is an important ore of iron. 218, A cast Fe - based refractory steel ( CX ) has been studied in this paper. 219, The fe of Sparta ng Menelaus ho as abducted by Pars and proved the Trojan ar. 220, In contrast, the geometrical similarity law in cross section was not satisfied in some cases when the heating length is short according to the results of the FE simulation. 221, The microstructure, resistivity and mechanical property of Al Si Mn Fe alloys are studied. 222, Cindy Mangold of Rancho Santa Fe plans to take her daughter today for her 11th birthday. 223, A rapid microwave digestion method for the determination of Fe in Torreya grandis'merrillii'by spectrophotometry was studied. The method is simple, rapid and accurate. 224, Method The contents of Fe and dextran were determined respectively byo - phenanthroline and anthrone methods. 225, Methods: Determine the content of trace elements sueh as Cu , Zn, Fe, Mn , Ca, Mg, etc in gastric fluid by atomic absorption spectroscopy ( AAS ) ... 226, According to the test by exports, Hai Lian brand brasenia schreberi contains 27 percent of protein, 39 percent of carbohydrate and it also riches in trace elements, such as Si, Ga, Fe, Mg and P. 227, Aim : To investigate the therapeutic effects of squid ink melanin - Fe on the anemia ( IDA ) model rats. 228, Methods. A detailed finite element (FE) model of the human body in the driver-occupant position was used to investigate cervical hyperextension injury. 229, Results indicate it is feasible to use Fe Cu as substitute material for bronze. Widespread applications can be in prospect because it is effective economically. 230, Specification for welding of Cr - Ni austenitic steel, Fe - and Ni alloy pipe for petrochemical industry. 231, Santa Fe Mayor David Coss said Monday that he's pleased but not surprised as the city consistently gets high rankings from the American Lung Association. 232, A - Fe 2 O 3 ( haematite ) was one of the first compounds to be studied by neutron diffraction. 233, The results of low frequency interference current probe made from ferrite and from Fe based and Co based amorphous alloy, were compared and analyzed. 234, Both FE 1 and FC a significant inverse relationship with stroke incidence, but adjustment attenuated this relationship. 235, Fe nu pa ki ad urba . She has just gone to town. 236, This year, local politicians are projecting an 85 % turnout in the Santa Fe area. 237, A smart cryomatic instrument has developed to measure and control the temperature of a refrigerator cooled cryopump by means of the Rh Fe resistance sensor. 238, Maize hybrid Danyu41 was bred in Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the winter of 1998 by crossing Dan T136 as the fe male parent and Dan598 as the male parent . 239, The fusion course of different material (Fe and Ni)in spot weld with different process variable was researched. The weldableness and the selection of parameter were researched, too. 240, LS-DYNA, a finite element (FE) analysis software were used to build the FE model of w-beam guardrail whose posts were columniform.