feudal造句31) Similar conservatism is reflected in the treatment of revenue from feudal dues.
32) Liberties were conferred on cities, in order that feudal laws should not restrict trade and other important aspects of mercantile power.
33) People lived in small communities spread throughout the countryside, under the authority of feudal lords whose land they worked as tenants.
34) It remained frozen in a feudal system which had decayed but not died with the end of the rubber boom.
35) For the great weakness of feudal jurisdiction lay in its lack of muscle to enforce the appearance of both parties in court.
36) Medieval, feudal society was rigidly hierarchical, and control of bodies was a central part of social control of the population.
37) I had seen the march of feudal armies, the victors returning in triumph, captive princes led past in chains.
38) The warden usually had under him foresters of fee, whose hereditary offices were subject to the usual feudal incidents.
39) A kind of feudal system developed, but this had been present in much of rural Britain throughout the Roman period.
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40) In feudal society, a superior status was accorded to the land-owning aristocracy and gentry.
41) Once princes and feudal lords who wished to increase the productive wealth of their domains imported craftsmen as a matter of course.
42) That is to say, Edward's action had social, feudal and legal justification.
43) That of the Ottos' was, at least in its ideology, universal and feudal.
44) Occasionally a feudal lord reserved a wild patch of forest from destruction for his game hunting.
45) The position of the dominant stratum, the feudal nobility, was based on large grants of land from the king.
46) After the Barons' War, a number of feudal magnates with great local estates were appointed as Forest wardens.
47) The weakness of feudal service as a basis for recruiting an army was that it was hedged round with difficult restrictions.
48) The drawback to feudal service from the count's point of view was its limited duration.
49) These rich feudal lords were required to spend six months a year in their palaces at Yedo.
50) As a result, the worst excesses of feudal exploitation carried on unchecked.
51) In the 1890s the Kaszubians emerged from the fog of feudal serfdom and manorial labour.
52) The feudal lords - who could afford real glass - usually had it set directly into stone or metal.
53) In Pomerania this reaction took the form of an even tighter grip on the feudal peasantry and serfs of the great estates.
54) Certainly, the decline of the feudal force did not lead to the demise of the traditional leadership in war.
55) However, the clergy formed a third stratum in feudal society.
56) Soon afterwards, as in the Western Middle Ages, there were masses of peasant serfs, and great feudal States.
57) He had assumed his lordship like any other feudal lord.
58) The power of kings declined and the power of local feudal lords increased.
59) Normally feudal grants were made within the Patrimony and the Papal State in return for military service.
60) Reconciliation eventually followed in the typical feudal manner - through an arranged marriage.