快好知 kuaihz

91. There was a time when the soil nexus held the promise of unifying physical and human geography. 92. For the next few years, Sister Teresa taught geography, history and catechism, and performed several other duties besides. 93. Hence the prospect of an energy related and integrated physical geography including geomorphological processes may not be too far beyond the horizon. 94. It is a remote country with difficult communications, climate and geography. 95. Geography, with special attention to the disposition of the Communist bloc and the free World. 96. The climate and geography created specific problems and, as in Orkney, there was a 7 to 8 month winter. 97. Conventional questionnaire studies in economic geography tend to take what people say at face value. 98. History, economics and geography converged to make this coastline a favored route for international drug traffickers. 99. Character, which is what geography is about, depends, at root, on the underlying rock. 100. Throughout the project, Close collaboration was maintained with experts in geology, geomorphology, and historical geography. 101. In such a perception, the world is not physical geography but an arena inhabited by individual countries. 102. Government policy in the nineteenth century was important, but it did not determine the extent and geography of cattle stealing. 103. The class is meant to broaden people's awareness of geography. 104. Mostly, they must rely on accidents of geography, notably inner-city concentration. 105. I remembered lessons from my geography classes and tried to match them with what I was seeing below. 106. Because few families or newcomers can afford to live in the centre, the entire geography of New York is changing. 107. These three trends combined to form a more environmental physical geography which may have been late but hopefully not too late. 108. It is apparent that even where investigations have commenced within physical geography they have often proceeded to become intertwined with other disciplines. 109. The grouping demonstrates Henry's clerks' clear conception of the administrative geography of the county. 110. Ultimately the regional problem and the changing geography of population and industrial distribution gave the subject field a dramatically widened remit. 111. It offers research training across the whole spectrum of the discipline of Geography. 112. The physical geography of the city in general can now complement studies already undertaken of specific cities. 113. Reporting on the progress of five-year-olds in foundation subjects such as history and geography in a meaningful way taxes most teachers. 114. Each of these universities has produced published research in geography, geology, palaeontology, and geophysics. 115. The geography of evil: tunnels and bamboo thickets and mud huts and graves. 116. Other basic requirements for this Institute are a wide knowledge of the structure of commerce and an appreciation of economic geography. 116.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 117. And it is at Shemya that we leave the world of geography and enter the world of international politics. 118. It was carefully controlled by time and by geography - a day divided into three eight-hour slots. 119. Meanwhile, the geography department is engaged in a losing battle to save up for new atlases. 120. Now he preferred him at London, for Bishops of London are by geography close colleagues of archbishops at Lambeth.