geography造句121. More than most children his age, he had an interest in world events and geography.
122. Thus, for example, biology or food science could represent science, and geography or history could represent social studies.
123. The geography and history of the United States would have been drastically altered.
124. K-For is holding the line, sensibly reinforcing an ethnic divide that geography has decreed.
125. Statutory planning has influenced the evolving social geography of postwar Britain in two main ways.
126. But this is only one kind of international dimension, only one way of understanding the geography of the international economy.
127. Each country has its own geography where the spirit dwells and where physical force can never conquer even an inch of ground.
128. Geography too came to play a major role in shaping the social life of the city.
129. We have to choose between doing geography or studying another language.
130. Geography along necessitated careful organisation which followed the company policy of a five week selling plan.
131. But to generalize from such sensational particulars as these is to ignore both commonsense and political geography.
132. Virgil too is the only poet who gives clearly the geography of the underworld.
133. Processes were scrutinized to remedy deficiencies internal to physical geography.
134. It lets a user perform a search on various levels, using categories of real estate data and geography.
135. This trend is exemplified by all branches of physical geography.
136. He pored over geography books in the Richmond library, searching for information on climate, soil conditions, and crop yields.
137. Research on natural hazards has a long tradition in geography going back more than half a century.
138. Geography will be irrelevant, and people on opposite sides may be living close to each other.
139. And the new geography of this steeper decline can be picked out from Table 2.2.
140. She died in her sleep while dreaming that she was teaching geography, her mind quite lucid again.
141. Plans exist to extend the list of short courses to business studies, geography, history, media studies and home economics.
142. Each can be the thread that connects children to an engagement with geography, history, and the like.
143. Much 1970s social geography examining the life-world can be faulted for this over-reaction.
144. Maury had just completed Physical Geography of the Sea, the first textbook on oceanography published in 1855.
145. However, the geography of service employment growth is less uneven than that of manufacturing decline.
146. In her loneliness Eleanor found no comfort in the geography of New York's lower east side.
147. But the geography more than the geology or the botany of Attica were to determine Athens' future.
148. Within social geography these constructs have been used to examine landscape identity.
149. The strength of geography lies in the training it provides inthe combination of literacy, numeracy, problem-solving and experimental skills.
150. The established Church failed to keep up either with the growth of the population or with the changing geography of its distribution.