快好知 kuaihz

1, I gave him a good scolding. 2, He was humbled by her good scolding. 3, She is always scolding. 4, His mother dealt him a severe scolding. 5, I got a scolding from my mother. 6, He caught a scolding from his father. 7, The headmaster gave the boys a scolding. 8, I got a scolding from my teacher. 9, The old woman is always scolding and chiding. 10, Every scolding that girl gets just seems to glance off her. 11, He gave his son a scolding for coming home so late. 12, I could hear mother scolding the dog for bringing mud into the house. 13, The woman is always scolding the children in our neighbourhood. 14, Every scolding that boy just seems to glance off him and not change his behavior at all. 15, Her tongue was incessantly scolding. 16, Her voice was stern, just short of scolding. 17, Hindered by scolding women and jeering men, the soldiers lowered themselves into the cramped crawl spaces. 18, One day, as she was scolding me, I suddenly threw a question at her. 19, He gasped in astonishment and I escaped a scolding. 20, His father gave him a scolding (or talking-to ). 21, The old caretaker was always scolding and chiding. 22, Don't glare at me like that, you deserved the scolding. 23, The headmaster had made an example of him by scolding him in front of the whole school. 24, You should ease up on the child and stop scolding her. 25, You should ease up on the boy and stop scolding him. 26, In front of the blank screen, the officer stood scolding. 27, She realised that he hadn't ever responded to her first mildly scolding words as they left the Hamiltons'. 28, We know that the parents of aggressive children use more ridicule, nagging and scolding than other parents. 29, It would have to be the chapel, Isabel decided, scolding herself for her cowardly hesitation. 30, And at least one school in the U.K., is following Tesco's lead, as the NY Times parenting blog discussed, and scolding parents for showing up at drop-off in their flannels and slippers.