快好知 kuaihz

1. The thorn was embedded in her thumb. 2. They embedded the pilings deep into the subsoil. 3. The scene was embedded in his memory. 4. The arrow embedded itself in the wall. 5. The pole was embedded in cement. 6. A piece of glass was embedded in her hand. 7. Thick cotton padding embedded the precious vase in its box. 8. He has embedded his name in the minds of millions of people. 9. These crystals are then embedded in a plastic, and the plastic is extruded as a wire. 10. There is glass embedded in the cut. 11. He embedded the pilings deep into the subsoil. 12. These ideas are deeply embedded in our culture. 13. The bullet embedded itself in the wall. 14. These attitudes are deeply embedded in our society . 15. She embedded the bulbs in a box of sand. 16. The magic sword was embedded in the stone. 17. Feelings of guilt are deeply embedded in her personality. 18. The idea became embedded in his mind. 19. This agreement will be embedded in a state treaty to be signed soon. 20. That happy day will be for ever embedded in my memory. 21. Peru is a very traditional country, and embedded in its psyche is a love of ceremony. 22. Once embedded in the skin, these savage spines are difficult to dislodge. 23. A love of colour is embedded in all of his paintings. 24. His name lies embedded in the minds of millions of people. 25. The fossils lie embedded in a matrix of shale and sandstone. 26. The software decodes the information embedded in the satellite broadcasts. 27. A sense of guilt was deeply embedded in my conscience. 28. Embedded in the sand outside is a broken microscope. 29. The bonnet was embedded in a stone wall. 30. I think that hatred of the other is deeply embedded in our society.