快好知 kuaihz

91. You will see cannonballs embedded like raisins in the walls: these came from the Prussian bombardment of 1757. 92. Their techniques are embedded in a view that unusual energy is accessible to us all. 93. On Concorde, though, the engines are embedded in the wings, next to the fuel tanks. 94. Both systems work on having a series of wire grids embedded in the baseboard of the tablet. 95. The eagle still had its talons in the goat, and the goat had its horns embedded in the eagle. 96. Growing in the most sinister manner, it is embedded in a battle scene taking place across the River Nile. 97. Comparison with the peroxidase labelled antibody sandwich method using formalin fixed paraffin embedded material. 98. The remark just goes to show how embedded age-related stereotypes are. 99. Most baculoviruses have one feature that is unique to insect viruses - they produce occlusion bodies in which the virions are embedded. 100. It will use it as an embedded controller in office automation products such as X-terminals after it shrinks it and optimizes its speed. 101. It will enable embedded systems designers to write applications on personal computers or under Unix. 102. This is because they are embedded in what I have called a teleology of the oppressed. 103. It is a discussion of a concept which is deeply embedded in the philosophical and political traditions of our culture. 104. The political system is embedded within a complex and changing environment. 105. Cold was embedded in the ruddiness of her wind-pressed cheeks. 106. Sparc Technology will also sell Sun system designs, hoping to expand indirectly into the portable, X terminal and embedded markets. 107. Crystallizable polymers consist of a mass of tiny crystals, usually mis-oriented with respect to one another and embedded in non-crystalline material. 108. This species can be planted in pots with a loam and sand mixture which can then be embedded in the gravel. 109. Photographs showed it to consist of twenty or more radiant pieces in a straight line, embedded inside an extensive bright cloud. 110. It is rooted in history, embedded in bureaucratic culture, and encouraged by outside groups. 111. Each carried an oval platter, and in the platters, embedded in snow, were the fruits of two continents. 112. Personal experience, if it happened, would have left them with a deeply embedded memory of an acutely unpleasant incident. 113. Before a virus can infect an animal cell it must first bind to specific receptor molecules embedded in the cell membrane. 114. The biopsy specimens were fixed in Carnoy's fixative overnight and embedded in paraffin wax. 115. Embedded in the teaching method employed by Betty is the transmission model of learning referred to earlier. 116. It can be planted in a pot, and embedded in the gravel. 117. Now imagine, Weiser suggests, computation and connection embedded into the built environment to the same degree. 118. The adoral shields have glassy concretions embedded within the matrix of the plate. 119. But throughout the book, value judgments are embedded in every choice about what content is included and how it is presented. 120. In light of these difficulties, attention has now shifted away from the membrane and toward the proteins embedded in the membrane.