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in theory造句
91. This sounds fine in theory but tender offers are rarely used in practice. 92. Explanations of both phenomena remain partial and insufficiently grounded in theory empirical data. 93. The military survey of 1522, in theory at least, confined itself to ownership strictly defined. 94. For the Concordat, in theory at least, brought to a close the Investiture Contest of the twelfth century. 95. It is fundamentally important that these 12 Steps are actually worked rather than recited or merely thought to be nice in theory. 96. In theory, logging was suspended by law in January 1990, but it is reported to be continuing apace. 97. Equally, the state is obliged in theory to protect children at risk. 98. In theory children over the age of 12 months could just use an adult seat belt. 99. At least in theory, this should make the region increasingly attractive to foreign investment from further afield. 100. In theory the display could be huge, if only a perfect, large semiconductor substrate could be made. 101. The law seemed like a good idea in theory, but in practice it has proved far too expensive. 102. We do not disagree in theory that there should be a closer correlation between actual price and the rate. 103. There, in theory, it would be safe and the weight would help stabilise the raft and prevent a capsize. 104. Penalties for induced abortions are fierce in theory but ineffective in practice. 105. Get the groundwork right and, in theory, everything else should slot into place. 106. But its lack of interest in theory makes it prone to overlook biases in this area. 107. That is all very well in theory but almost impossible to achieve in practice. 108. In theory, today's more flexible labour market should allow unemployment to fall more quickly. 109. This was done because in theory fusion neutrons could be an alternative to fission reactors for making fissile elements for weapons. 110. He believes perinatal trauma to be a likely contributing factor, because this in theory could produce damage to the right hemisphere. 111. Microchips aid quantum physics Technology from the semiconductor industry has allowed an experiment in fundamental physics previously possible only in theory. 112. In theory this would mean their suspending judgement on a matter under investigation until sufficient evidence was forthcoming. 113. For example, insisting on conditions that would in theory make the employment of women more likely often has the opposite effect. 114. In theory, our representative system of democracy gives us that ownership. 115. In theory, the power crisis could force the state to work together more. 116. In theory this process could go as far as equating marginal cost with demand so that the bureaucracy obtains all the consumer surplus. 117. Research in theory and computation encompasses quantum field theories of elementary particles, neural networks and quantum chromodynamics. 118. In theory at least, a more open defence market should expose some of these hidden costs. 119. In theory, and to some extent in practice, it does act as a means of distancing broadcasting from government. 120. In theory, she studied domestic science - dressmaking and cooking - and took a pitman's correspondence and typing course.