logistic造句1 Two other logistic problems are discussed by McClellan.
2 With hindsight it was a remarkable logistic achievement.
3 Two stepwise logistic regression procedures were performed.
4 Respiratory symptoms were analysed by multiple logistic regression and lung function standard deviation scores by multiple linear regression.
5 The fact that in practice logistic problems in public libraries are not given enough attention is noted above.
6 Logistic regression models were used to determine which variables significantly and independently could predict bacterial pneumonia and to adjust for potential confounders.
7 The use of multiple logistic regression allowed the selection of the most useful clinical signs which are predictive of hypoxaemia.
8 Logistic considerations make the Moon a very attractive base of operations if ice is abundant in the lunar polar regions.
9 Multivariate analysis was carried out by unconditional logistic regression analysis.
10 On logistic regression, the presence and extent of gastric metaplasia was not significantly associated with H pylori infection.
11 Effective transport and logistic systems are crucial for delivering drugs, vaccines and supplies, supervising staff and generally supporting health services.
12 As McClellan constantly stresses, the interpretation of logistic information is crucial to its proper use.
13 However, logistic problems and slotting practice have made this ideal difficult to achieve.
14 Variables were entered into or removed from the logistic regression equation one at a time.
15 Case-detection through antenatal screening may have logistic, financial, and manpower impediments to implementation but it remains the favoured strategy.
16 The logistic regression analysis showed that of the seven reflux variables only hiatal hernia predicted oesophageal mucosal status.
17 The escorts handle all logistic details and also dispense advice on matters of protocol and decorum.
18 Artillery, Engineer, and Signals regiments, and its logistic corps, were tailored to support them.
19 Make internal audit about this inside of logistic department.
20 This survival difference persisted after multiple logistic regression analysis.
21 Course Design for Logistic System Analysis and Design.
22 Develop logistic industry throughconnection with ocean shipping.
23 WHO provided technical and logistic support.
24 There are purely logistic discouragements to newspaper reading.
25 Warehouse and logistic support service.
26 Distribution capacity is value added in the logistic system.
27 Relocating all tenants from high rise tower blocks to low rise housing requires enormous logistic skills.
28 We therefore omitted time from the analysis and used logistic regression to identify additional risk factors.
29 McClellan's is the most sophisticated approach yet designed towards solving these logistic problems.
30 Great care must be exercised in deciding whether or not data fits a logistic curve.