for instance造句1 There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used.
2 Murder, petty theft and tax evasion, for instance, all have different motives and consequences.
3 Teenage sex, for instance, may come not out of genuine desire but from a need to get love.
4 You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.
5 What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing?
6 In the electronics industry, for instance, 5000 jobs are being lost.
7 For instance, the more versatile Singaporeans, with richer experiences of life, might have been deterred from taking part for fear of losing face within sight of friends and relatives, should they perform ignominiously.
8 How about another music industry bash, for instance?
9 A chest of drawers for her clothes, for instance.
10 For instance, lasers could cut cloth into small segments.
11 For instance, it's the custom to beat the wife.
12 For instance, a bomb went off last week.
13 For instance, an extra demand at home or abroad for goods made either cheaper or better by electronics will add to employment.
14 It took a bit of doing - for instance, the disposal site had to check out 100 percent.
15 In man, for instance, the genes that control gender are on the Y chromosome.
16 Mark Andrews, for instance, was asked what was Adrian Garvey's most annoying habit.
17 Resurrection ferns, for instance, lose their color during dry conditions and may even appear to be dead.
18 A child may, for instance, be born with serious handicaps or developmental problems requiring extended periods of care.
19 Few, for instance, are found near the critical regions known as homeobox gene clusters.
20 For instance, all schools are concerned with improving and maintaining good attendance.
21 For instance, many people learn in high school that alcohol is a depressant-a kind of chemical sledgehammer for the mind.
22 For instance, mankind could be replaced by humanity, craftsman by artisan, forefathers by ancestors, spaceman by astronaut and so on.
23 He was deceitful, not telling his parents, for instance, that he got honey from the carcass of a lion.
24 Moore, for instance, treasures a collection of sayings Penny Scaggs had written for her in calligraphy.
25 For instance, I've heard of representative assemblies of large co-operatives choosing their own director.
26 Traditionally, collaboration in the classroom, for instance, has been taboo, condemned as a form of cheating.
27 We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.
28 Several of his friends came: Ben, Carol and Mike, for instance.
29 The system will handle not only telephone calls and data messages but other signals that need high bandwidth, for instance those that encode TV pictures.
30 A typical example is the tendency to blame yourself for instance, for smoking for many years before developing lung cancer.