third world造句31. For the Third World or rather the underdeveloped world these questions have existed for the greater part of this century.
32. This practice is particularly damaging to Third World countries trying to sell their goods.
33. Today, these taxes are still levied by many Third World governments because they are straight forward to collect and hard to evade.
34. The culture-ideology of consumerism in the Third World will be the subject of Chapter 5.
35. Even by Third World standards, it was an unusual basketball game.
36. Anyone who has traveled in Third World countries is aware that the favors of public officials are customarily and blatantly for sale.
37. Given third world debt problems and so on, many corporates are stronger credits than many banks.
38. The amount is the equivalent of trebling every wealthy country's aid budget to the third world.
39. It is clearly unfair that so much tax in the Third World falls on the backs of those least able to pay.
40. By the 1970s, researchers discovered that a major cause of childhood blindness in Third World countries was vitamin A deficiency.
41. Third world towns and cities contain large numbers of women who may lead lives very different from those of their rural counterparts.
42. These recent proposals reflect Moscow's current priority to retrench economically and militarily in the Third World.
43. Virtually all Third World countries were Spending enormous sums on war or preparation for war, despite staggering debts and dreadful poverty.
44. In general, illiteracy and lack of motivation militate against reliability of figures from Third World countries.
45. The cash crisis in the Third World will help concentrate the minds of lenders.
46. Plunging prices have caused extreme hardship for farmers and workers throughout the Third World.
47. Perhaps it was the clash of Third World beach and Dallas skyscraper which triggered my uncharitable scepticism about his extraordinary Utopianism.
48. Others brought the Third World Marxist rhetoric that was popular at that time among black nationalists.
49. In the same way, the West continues to make large sums of money from Third World debt.
50. As Third World capitalism develops, the working class is destined to play its classic revolutionary role.
51. Of course, some third world countries spent heavily on armaments, bought effectively from the same capitalist cartel who loaned the money.
52. Nevertheless, many Third World countries still rely heavily on selling raw material commodities as their principal source of income.
53. Alternative energy technologies will be successfully diffused only if realistic assumptions are made about the real economic situation in the Third World.
54. Government response to the crisis has hit the poor in a way that has become all too familiar in the Third World.
55. The Group linked third world debt and more favourable trade agreements to environmental issues.
56. The claim that aid is the answer to Third World poverty is then highly debatable.
57. Third World countries struggled for national independence and did so often under the banner of nationalist socialism.
58. And the cities of the Third World often have unpaved roads.
59. The individual principles in Brezhnev's five-point doctrine were familiar to numerous Soviet proclamations on Third World regions.
60. The problem ultimately lies in the relative weakness of the Third World economy in the world capitalist system.