third world造句61. However, many third world traders do more than circulate goods for sale.
62. Much energy-intensive industry would then decamp to the third world.
63. Do not the problems of the third world, which is still suffering economic deprivation, need to be addressed?
64. For example, 80 percent of our tin and 75 percent of our bauxite come from the Third World.
65. Educationists have allied with development theorists to extend these ideas to the Third World.
66. He is vehemently opposed to abortion, gay rights and many aspirations of the Third World.
67. Most of my companions on this field trip to the mines are from the Third World.
68. It is clear that Third World countries share many needs and problems of hazardous waste management with developed countries.
69. Kobrin has studied no less than 511 acts of forced divestment involving 1,500 firms in 76 Third World countries from 1960 to 1976.
70. Fifteen writers and publishers from 13 Third World countries attended the seminar.
71. Of course many programmes of regional co-operation exist, but unlike oil most Third World commodities are no longer essential to the West.
72. Many Europeans who consider themselves to be poor are rich by the standards of some Third World countries.
73. The impact of both of these on the position of women outside the sphere of employment in Third World countries. 1.
74. Can the Third World politically challenge the statusquo or are its political institutions similarly under-developed?
75. Yet family-planning funds to Third World countries have been limited because of conservative opposition.
76. It would be impossible for the affluent to live in peace if conflict after conflict exploded in the third world.
77. Disposable workers Modern methods of super-exploitation, tried and tested in the Third World, are coming home to industrialized countries.
78. People are also being asked to make their voices heard expressing concern over the possible cut to aid to the third world.
79. They argued that development would eventually take the Third World through its own demographic transition to low rates of death and birth.
80. Around the globe, the richer nations have made easing the overcrowding of third world cities a top aid priority.
81. Low octane petrol is readily available almost everywhere, while paraffin is widely used in the third world.
82. If computers are now to be shipped to the third world, what are they going instead of?
83. I think it's hard to generalise about western feminism and third world feminism.
84. Indeed, no country is truly independent if its economy is such as to consign it at once to the Third World.
85. In many Third World countries as many as three out of five children die before the age of five.
86. The poorest Third World countries spend the largest proportions of their incomes on weapons.
87. It wants child poverty abolished in 20 years; it aims to cancel third world debt.
88. Tony Vaux follows him through the comic-horror jungle of Third World bureaucracy - and corruption.
89. But Lipton claims that such a path is unavailable to the Third World.
90. Some companies had offloaded substandard medicines onto Third World countries.