快好知 kuaihz

1. The preponderance of evidence suggests that he's guilty. 2. There is a preponderance of tiger in the forest. 3. There is a preponderance of female students in the music department. 4. There is, therefore, a preponderance of lower paid posts, and a lack of professional and managerial posts. 5. Giants planners have claimed that a preponderance of ballpark spectators will use transit or walk. 6. If your enemy has a preponderance of missile weapons or lots of war machines then chariots are vulnerable. 7. At first glance there appears to be a preponderance of narrow gauge or what I would call miniature railways. 8. A high preponderance of Protestant ascetics might then be suggestive. 9. At sentencing, the judge found by a preponderance of the evidence that Putra had been involved in both transactions. 10. It has concluded, by a preponderance of evidence, that he later slashed her to death. 11. The preponderance of directly managed units in the new arrangements could affect the remit of authorities in another way. 12. The franchise reform of June 1907 ensured a preponderance of landowners in the Third and Fourth Dumas. 13. In a civil case, jurors need only a preponderance of evidence to rule for the plaintiff and the defendant must testify. 14. Of late, the preponderance of public relations firms have leveraged that influence against activists and proposed legislation that threaten big business. 15. The social origin of its members, the initial preponderance of intelligentsia over workers, was utterly irrelevant. 16. This is probably due to the large preponderance of low-rise multi-storey council housing. 17. Even the Quark editors remark on a preponderance of work on either the cosmos or evolution, but little in between. 18. In the preponderance of cases, marked nystagmus is accompanied by a very uncomfortable feeling of vertigo. 3. 19. Also, the preponderance of men means that the mating game works in favour of women. 20. With the continuing preponderance of the agricultural population this aspiration was not then as unrealistic as it might seem today. 21. I had some preponderance than him also. 22. There is a preponderance of hot days inand August. 23. The preponderance complementarity of the two modes will greatly improve human connatural function and develop medical high-tech. 24. There is a preponderance of hot days in July and August. 25. But the proportion was still impressive, and it assured the political and social preponderance of the privileged classes. 26. Both Alexander and Nicholas were also extremely concerned to perpetuate noble preponderance among senior civil and military officials. 27. According to a survey of delegates, the majority were happy with the preponderance of ideas-related over object-related sessions. 28. While gonorrhea also exploded in a similar way among gay men, its preponderance was significant not only numerically but genetically. 29. Ideological political work is the fine tradition and political preponderance of our party. 30. In a civil action, a verdict may be based on the preponderance of evidence.