快好知 kuaihz

1. He made profuse apologies . 2. The old woman was profuse in her thanks. 3. It was a mistake. My profuse apologies. 4. The flowers are profuse in spring. 5. She was admitted to St Mary's Hospital with profuse bleeding. 6. The girl's profuse skirt bosomed out with the gusts. 7. Then the policeman recognised me, breaking into profuse apologies. 8. The hostess is profuse in her hospitality. 9. He is profuse in hospitality. 10. The company accepted blame and sent us profuse apologies. 11. Profuse sweating is one of the symptoms of heat exhaustion. 12. Her head was covered with a profuse mass of curls. 13. I loved its profuse blossoms, its heady scent. 14. The discharge may be quite profuse. 15. Profuse, clammy sweat; great weakness even to collapse. 16. Our profuse apologies go out to both gentlemen. 17. Profuse amounts of grey and ginger hair sprouted from nose and ears. 18. The coats of many puppies may be less profuse than that of adults, and so grooming will be more straight forward. 19. The diarrhea in young pigs is usually profuse. 20. There were profuse collagenic fibers in the basic substance. 21. He was profuse in his thanks for the gift. 22. Many hybrids are profuse and persistent with flowers. 23. The sweat is pouring off. This describes profuse sweating. 24. The mourner's profuse tears at the burial were heartbreaking. 25. His speech was too profuse. 26. Her profuse skirt bosomed out with the gusts. 27. Mrs. Bennet was profuse in her acknowledgments. 28. The discharges irritate and make the skin sore; salivation may be profuse; the breath offensive. 29. The following day, Moira telephoned the Daily Telegraph with profuse apologies for the misunderstanding. 30. Herpes simplex infection, when it involves the cervix, can cause a profuse discharge.