binding造句31 Guard a narrow strip of paper or linen pasted to a single leaf to allow sewing into a section for binding.
32 Wires upon wires wove around him, binding him to his amplifiers.
33 They are really promises - promises intended to be binding, intended to be acted on, and in fact acted on.
34 Talks resume next week in Bonn on legally binding emission reduction targets that Washington has rejected.
35 As far as Mr Vlnas and the National Gallery are concerned the contract remains legally binding.
36 The normal exercise of political authority is by the making of laws and legally binding orders.
37 But the state Supreme Court ruled that Proposition 140 contains a lifetime ban, a decision binding on federal courts.
38 However, if the additional constraint is binding, the median voter would no longer be able to choose E 1.
39 Add a border or binding down the leading and bottom edges of curtains for a real interior designer touch.
40 Iron nuclei have the largest binding energy per nucleon; hence neither fission nor fusion can release further energy.
41 Home Properties said it will pay a total of $ 830, 000, according to binding agreements for the three parcels.
42 The fore-edge painting could, of course, be combined with a vellum or Etruscan calf binding.
43 If they can come to a binding agreement, the prisoners will both profess their innocence and be sentenced to two years.
44 And remember, any document you sign abroad is as legally binding for you as if you signed it at home.
45 The decisions of this court are binding on all inferior courts trying civil or criminal cases, including divisional courts.
46 Law can not fulfil this function unless the decisions of the legal institutions are binding or non-optional.
47 I conceive that the promise would not be binding for want of a previous request by the testator.
48 We can therefore choose the depth to which we probe by using appropriate electron binding energies.
49 The plan itself does serve as a binding mechanism to reduce ambiguity, but not too much should be expected of it.
50 However, at high concentrations of intracellular calcium, all calmodulin binding sites are occupied.
51 Adoption is different from novation and also appears to be distinguishable from merely acting as though the contract were binding on the company.
52 The sheer weight of dicta amassed was intimidating, but Mr. Ashworth conceded he could find no authority actually binding on me.
53 As a result, he wanted to renege on his binding letter of intent, which he signed.
54 Explain whether this is a legally binding contract and whether or not Wilson Decorators must supply materials and receive £800. 4.
55 The binding is reversible so that factors that decrease the protein concentration will increase the ionized fraction of calcium in the blood.
56 In general there was the invocation of one or more deities to bear witness that a binding contract was being undertaken.
57 For these reasons we intend to perform future studies on DNA fragments containing isolated actinomycin binding sites.
58 To make it legally binding the protocol requires ratification by countries with at least 55 % of the developed world's emissions.
59 Then, Clinton also intervened, without appointing an emergency board, by appealing to both parties to agree to binding arbitration.
60 First, some accept its authority and obey its instructions because they are binding on them.