binding造句61 It is a half-way house, an intermediate commitment with no binding promises for the future and a built-in escape route.
62 Paclitaxel prevents cancer cells by binding to cell components called microtubules.
63 The programme is not binding on any of the signatories but is likely to influence the lending and spending of Western donors.
64 This enzyme. labeled complex competes with free unlabeled drug in the serum sample for the binding sites on the antibody.
65 But there is already a head of steam in parliament to make the proposed voluntary takeover code legally binding.
66 I would abjure my art then and there, leave off cursing, leave off binding fast and loose with spells.
67 FIG. 1 Binding of anti-cadherin monoclonal antibodies to cadherins expressed by epidermal Langerhans cells and keratinocytes.
68 Nevertheless, it is likely that the qualitative features of DNA binding are the same.
69 The structure was held together with ropes binding the beams to the vertical posts.
70 Purely procedural rules may be binding by reference to the rules in force at the time when the procedure is applied.
71 Negotiation: contractually binding conclusions are worked out in joint negotiation committees.
72 First it denies it the right to impose certain obligations, denies that some laws if enacted will be binding.
73 Collate to gather separate sections or leaves of a book together in the correct order for binding.
74 At present it is not possible to draw any definite conclusions about the binding mode of CytR.
75 As with core levels, there are various approaches to the computation of valence level binding energies.
76 The hope is that these peptides might compete with the virus proteins for binding to the receptor molecules.
77 The successful bidder is under a binding contract to purchase the relevant property.
78 It would hear appeals involving assessments, chaired by a lawyer, and decisions would be legally binding.
79 The draft orders are again the subject of consultation, following which parliamentary approval turns them into legal binding requirements.
80 Therefore, this could hardly be regarded as a binding precedent.
81 Minimally, the binding of protein to this element should alter the chromatin structure of the promoter.
82 One of these binding proteins, IGFBP-1, is of particular interest because of its known relationship to metabolism.
83 A legally binding agreement to implement this 14-page political declaration was scheduled to be drawn up in the first half of 1992.
84 Janzen offers something besides going to court: mediation and arbitration services that are just as legally binding.
85 Thus, these two positions may be important for sequence specific DNA binding of CytR.
86 Data are expressed as mean percentage of T cells binding from three replicate wells; lines represent standard errors.
87 This suggests that the cleavage pattern is largely determined by the binding selectivity.
88 Mammalian cell receptors can have high solute binding affinity, but also allow for rapid on/off binding kinetics.
89 The drug in the serum sample and the enzyme. labeled drug compete for the binding sites on the antibody.
90 It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms an integral part of the treaty.