miniature造句61. But she did notice one thing immediately: Among the thirteen miniature athletes, there was not a single female basketball player.
62. At first glance there appears to be a preponderance of narrow gauge or what I would call miniature railways.
63. Part of the bank here was in the shape of a sea wall, with a miniature promenade running along the top.
64. I cleaned my teeth without paste, before pouring water into the miniature bowl and shaving.
65. I was in the garth, sitting in the sunshine on a bench between the pillars of the miniature colonnade.
66. Two weeks later, he starts a series of shuddering contractions and tiny miniature sea-horses shoot out from his pouch.
67. The dangers of creating a miniature nuclear device worried them and also increased their concerns for safety.
68. Don't worry if you can't buy any miniature marshmallows - cut the large ones into pieces with scissors.
69. They used miniature cameras to photograph secret documents and shortwave radios to receive coded messages from their spy masters, prosecutors said.
70. Bill says on the last visit to her Outer Banks cottage, he and Ann played miniature golf and discussed biotechnology.
71. It was opened in 1888, and inside it is reminiscent of the miniature theatre at Versailles.
72. Mrs Lane was the miniature goddess who controlled her large, tolerant, good-humoured menfolk, and made this whole organisation work.
73. Sir Walter Raleigh trails his comforter about the muddy garden, a full-length Hilliard in miniature hose and padded pants.
74. The author, once a portrait and miniature painter, now devoted himself to pictorial photography.
75. But for the vertigo shot alone, a horizontal miniature was built to avoid counter-weighting the heavy VistaVision camera.
76. For added safety, we will fit miniature circuit breakers to provide reliable and easily operated protection when using any electrical equipment.
77. Following an invisible beam a miniature submarine hones in on the device, until it comes up on Simmo's television monitor.
78. There are buttons you can press to set this miniature world in motion.
79. Otis was wandering around the house with a miniature billiard ball in his mouth.
80. Boot and I had been allocated the less spectacular task of making and using miniature Barkausen-Kurz tubes as possible receivers.
81. The locket contained a miniature portrait of her late husband.
82. Either way, when seen through an electron microscope, the result is often one of startling and beautiful variety in miniature.
83. A friend fills hers with miniature whisky bottles for the men and lace handkerchiefs for the women.
84. It is a small self-enclosed world with its own miniature atmosphere derived from living creatures.
85. But they continue to fight like a pair of miniature canine Kendo warriors.
86. Shutlingsloe is just one of the numerous miniature mountain gems in Britain where quality, not quantity is the main attraction.
87. Some bags were impregnated with pesticide but most were used as miniature hothouses to ripen the bananas while protecting them from bruising.
88. But I like the idea, akin to miniature escargot pizza.
89. As the centre of a miniature shire, Oakham was neither populous nor wealthy.
90. At the bottom is a thumb-operated, miniature joystick flanked by two buttons.