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91. Pastor Wundt, the shepherd of the Columbus church, was a sincere and ardent Christian, but his bigotry and hard-and-fast orthodoxy made him intolerant . 92. Mercury took his sleep-producing wand and presented himself on earth as a shepherd driving his flock. 93. In old photos of my homeland in Bohemia I see our shepherd, with his broad-brimmed hat and his loden coat, leaning against a tree, knitting a woolen sock. 94. Brave three-year-old German shepherd Obi continued to patrol the streets for two hours despite having multiple fractures above his left eye and blood pouring from his nose. 95. The black-and-tan Australian shepherd with the odd, loping gait and a way with a Frisbee had been found as a three-week-old puppy discarded in a motel room. 96. We have Sandy a Yorkshire Terrier, and a German Shepherd named Sam. 97. Shepherd boy from the piccolo distant from the Tang Dynasty, are the same throughout the Acacia. 98. This was the state which the shepherd idyl, begun at five o'clock in the morning, had reached at half - past four in the afternoon. 99. The shepherd aroused them the next morning, as he had said. 100. The Yorkshire Terrier came in second place with nearly 42,000 registrations, followed by the German Shepherd, the Golden Retriever, the Beagle, the Boxer and the Dachshund. 101. The shepherd would like to hear the pedigree of your life, father. 102. And in this way he became one with Christ the Good Shepherd who loves his sheep. 103. To cry wolf is to give false alarm. It comes from the fable of the shepherd boy who often called "wolf" to make fun of the neighbors. 104. The Full German Shepherd Dog Illustrated Standard Can Be Found Here . 105. 34When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things. 106. Prayer: Lord, you are the Good Shepherd and the Lord of the harvest. 107. We didn't know this. It has been spoken by the uncouth swain, a rustic shepherd. 108. It has the Letter of Barnabus,the Shepherd of Hermas, the Acts of Paul,along with the Acts of the Apostles, and the Revelation of Peter. 109. I am no shepherd lass, though I have helped with the sheep like anyone else. 110. The animal chosen, the German shepherd dog is a symbol of German culture. 111. There was a shepherd that did live, And held his thoughts as high As were the mounts whereon his flocks Did hourly feed him by. 112. German Shepherd forelimb: the scapula to be long, tilted position and access. On the carpus and the former at right angles around wrist. 113. I am the good shepherd The good shepherd lays the sheep. 114. Allelic frequencies and average heterozygosities revealed the greatest variation in Labrador retriever and the lowest in German Shepherd dog. 115. He had compassion on them, because they were ... like sheep without a shepherd. 116. "For the first time in nearly three decades the German Shepherd dog finds itself in the number two position, displacing the Yorkshire Terrier, " said American Kennel Club spokeswoman Lisa Peterson. 117. German Shepherd Dog, White (Swiss Shepherd Dog). White in the GSD is a dominant masking gene, and has always been frowned upon by the major breed clubs. 118. They laid the dead shepherd to sleep in the churchyard. 119. Captain Watson this morning announced of a secret third ship in the Sea Shepherd flotilla. 120. But I don't need to be when there's five polis and a German Shepherd dog breaking down the door and dragging Marc screaming down the path and into a van.