快好知 kuaihz

91. He had always imagined that the key to good detective work was a close observation of details. 92. I went into the test full of confidence, but it was more difficult than I had imagined. 93. I never imagined it would leave room for feelings of resentment and indifference. 94. For a moment, I imagined the best possible to the worst possible reply. 95. He imagined himself driving a tearful Anne and Abigail back to Beryl, then finding Adam a good lawyer. 96. Kings and sheep and whinnying horses and Serving maids and beggar boys gathered together in the frosty imagined night. 97. Paige could almost have imagined they were on some deserted tropic isle. 98. It was exactly as I had always imagined the Dark Ages to be, and in its terrible way it was apt. 99. Few managed to escape, and the fate of the rest may be imagined. 100. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.Henry David Thoreau 101. But it helps to expiate our imagined sins if we have a bogeyman to hand, a Drug Baron. 102. I'd imagined her leaning forwards and smiling, but not looking like this, somehow. 103. The political units of the ninth century were thus very different from those imagined by nineteenth-century patriots. 104. It was precisely the sort of place where she had always imagined he would live. 105. I closed my eyes and imagined I was in a far distant universe a long, long time ago. 106. And I imagined it, as one does the illusions of great art and literature, in the most real fashion possible. 107. It was as clear a case of violent conduct as could be imagined. 108. Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems.Epictetus 109. Then he ran, plunging into a tunnel of darkness less fearful than the imagined horrors lurking behind that heavy dark-brown door. 110. She objected to his formal jargon, although she imagined a glint of amusement accompanying it. 111. Before my father died I cast it all aside, lived as I imagined I wanted to live. 112. She never imagined, 12 months on, she'd be hosting a very special party. 113. But it is possible that the Holy Spirit was doing something much larger and more all-encompassing than they could have imagined. 114. She most feared what people thought of her, and imagined that they talked constantly about her behind her back. 115. Had she been dreaming or, only half awake, imagined the intruder? 116. For them the dangers of infertility - real or imagined - may far outweigh the dangers of fertility. 117. I was tougher and stronger than I ever imagined I could be, and I owed that to the Army. 118. It had been constantly pulled down to cover his imagined embarrassment. 119. They hardly imagined that there were so many indigent, yearning, crooked, canny inheritors on the earth. 120. But he never imagined how many people hungered for homes close to central Phoenix.