快好知 kuaihz

31. She got a neurosis about chemicals and imagined them everywhere doing her harm. 32. We never imagined that men would land on the moon. 33. I had fondly imagined that riding a mule would be easy. 34. He was always keen to avenge insults, real or imagined. 35. The relationship between the old Duke and the young woman was put down to the salacity which is frequently found in rich old men. People imagined all manner of things, except the truth. 36. Not speaking the language proved to be a bigger handicap than I'd imagined. 37. She imagined walking into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them. 38. I fondly imagined that surgery meant a few stitches and an overnight stay in hospital. 39. Brought up in what he describes as 'a middle class ghetto', he imagined that all people were as privileged as he was. 40. Perhaps she'd never really been there at all - perhaps she'd just imagined it. 41. I imagined how our position looked from above. 42. The lake is much prettier than I had imagined. 43. It proves you're not as hard-hearted as I imagined. 44. He imagined she was still dwelling on the accident. 45. Fisher imagined the following evolutionary sequence. 46. He had difficulty distinguishing the real from the imagined. 47. Third: Stillman was far more dangerous than previously imagined. 48. Why had she never imagined Bella as a redhead? 49. I had always imagined I would find this true. 50. I imagined solemn covens chanting, straggling torchlight processions winding up to mountain tops, stone circles, sacred trees and springs. 51. A brief glance at the literature told her that the treatment centre was run on very different lines than she had imagined. 52. The reality of Citrine's position was somewhat less dramatic than was sometimes imagined by contemporaries. 53. She imagined the castle, at low tide, grey, black, then silver in the changing light. 54. For a while she imagined that she was a rich woman, living in a beautiful house. 55. But it wasn't like I'd imagined - except for the long silences when I'd been hoping for laughs. 56. And, of course, she has imagined for herself an importance that goes beyond the grandiose to the downright loopy. 57. Is there really any connection between Leonardo and Columbus apart from the sort imagined by flatulent film producers? 58. If so, it makes good sense that Zezolla is not punished for crimes she only imagined. 59. Who, in its halcyon days, imagined Carthage a ballroom for the wind? 60. Trent imagined him holding a golf club but the callus didn't fit.