快好知 kuaihz

61. As educable children with special need, more and more mild mentally retarded children go to regular classroom to accept education within the trend of inclusion. 62. The western literature reveals much research work in the field of semantic processing on mentally retarded children. 63. Compared with inundatory condition, aerobic condition retarded the formation of aerenchyma of hybrid rice roots and made the cortex sclerenchymatous cells array loosely in conventional japonica root. 64. Most people with Down syndrome are mildly to moderately retarded. 65. Flame retarded properties of nanocomposite were improved because of the synergistic flame retardancy of BHAPE and OMMT in condensed phase. 66. A conclusion, which is that flow reverse will be retarded in a road with more length and higer initial flow rate, is first put forword. 67. Most people with Down syndrome are mildly to moderately retargetmoderately retarded. 68. How many mentally retarded people are there in the whole nation? 69. Terror has retarded the human civilization. How to deal with terror, the surplusage of civilization, is becoming a global problem. 70. Training mentally retarded children ability of saying can help improve social adaptation. 71. Two major areas in which mentally retarded children require help are memory and attention. 72. It leads commonalty to have a correct understanding of mental retarded people and strives for a social environment with equality of opportunities and participation. 73. But testing at the nearby Switzer Center for children with disabilities showed Jeff to be average-to-bright, though so anxiety-ridden that his math-test score came out borderline retarded. 74. The development of Persian walnut (Juglans regia) is seriously retarded by the dry-rot disease in Hunan and other areas. 75. Thirty mentally retarded people have been executed in the United States in the past decade. 76. Flexible insulating sleeving. Part 3 : specifications for individual types of sleeving. Sheet 233 : heat-shrinkable fluoroelastomer sleeving, flame retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1. 77. It was so painfully clear to him that it retarded his search. 78. The latest developments of - halogen and - phosphorous flame - retarded epoxy resin for printed circuit boards were introduced. 79. Conclusion special learning and memory function of mice can be retarded by subacute exposure to ANTX - A . 80. Blind, deaf and mentally retarded children are sent to special education schools. 81. Bill is a composite of several real killers, primarily Ed Gein, who really did make a woman suit out of women's skin. But he was retarded. 82. After weeks of needling, he snapped and beat her with an axe leaving her mentally retarded. 83. Dead Alive is something a scriptwriter would write as a meat packing plant insurance scam, be caught because it's retarded, then found innocent by reason of insanity. 84. New-designed antenna system uses a retarded wave principle that cuts antenna height 60%. 85. Polyethylene (PE) is retarded by various flame retardant systems composed of unhalogen flame retardants such as amorphous phosphorus alloy and aluminium trihydrate (ATH). 86. People like "rain man" and Daniel, mentally retarded while owning amazing genius at something else, are called "Idiot Savant" or "Idiot Genius", namely "Autistic Savant". 87. "the increasing hatred, which retarded the execution of his great designs" (Edward Gibbon). 88. Disintegration of solid forms may be retarded by excessive pressure applied during the tableting procedure or by special coatings applied to protect the tablet from the digestive processes of the gut. 89. For retarded time-delay systems, the stability can be determined by the rightmost characteristic root. 90. This paper introduced the preparation methods , application and flame - retarded mechanism of Resorcinol bis ( diphenyl phosphate ) ( RDP ).