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91. Moreover, a three-dimensional flow field of the retarded adhesive mortar in a single-screw extruder is obtained after supposition, simplification and carrying on the boundary treatment. 92. Algernon . Daniel Keyes . A mentally retarded custodianundergoes a breakthrough surgical technique that triples his IQ. 93. The lobeline up-regulates the concentration of synapse intermission DA by inhibiting the transport of DAT, so the apoptosis speed of a nerve cell can be stopped or retarded with little adverse effect. 94. A method of retarded Green function equation of motion is applied to inveti gate the surface spin wave spectrum of Heisenberg ferromagnet. 95. The sensorial education plays an important role in the development of mentally retarded children. 96. The review of the recent research progress on the flame retardancy of Nylons is presented. Nylons are relatively easily ignitable materials and are required to be flame retarded for some applications. 97. Conclusions The results suggested that the genesis of nephroblastoma is relevant to the retarded differentiation of fetal kidney. NR is the precursor lesion of nephroblastoma. 98. Neuropathy people think wide, mentally retarded children more than joy. 99. To explore the suitability and effect of Portage Early Education Program in mental retarded children. 100. The injury to his head seems to have retarded his thought process. 101. With the increase of thermolysis temperature, anti-oxidation, flame retarded properties, and the flash point of polymer, the impact sensitivity decreases. 102. Okay, I was the cheerleading captain of a trophy-winning squad in an otherwise athletically retarded school. 103. Conclusion Retarded maturate is found among the children with behavior problems. 104. The research of mental retarded children's language development disorder started late in China, even there is almost no study on the morphosyntax acquisition in the neurolinguistics field. 105. Hill also has claimed he should not be executed since he is mentally retarded. 106. Results showed that ACM coating retarded the formation of white rust on the galvanized steel and the corrosion resistance of coating was closed to that of the chromate conversion coating. 107. A kind of chromium gel system of retarded crosslinking made of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide(HPAM), sodium bichromate and organic reductant sulfocarbamide was investigated. 108. BOB DOUGHTY: Ms. Shriver also opened a summer camp that was free of cost for mentally retarded children. 109. Secondly, if pollen tubes entered into stigma, growth was retarded with callose plug deposition, then they stopped to grow because of inhibition. 110. Objective To research the application of Adaptive Behavior Scales in Chinese mentally retarded children. 111. Idiot can be when your teachers can teach mentally retarded people, then you say. 112. Implementing Fourier Transform to solve the acoustic pressure correction equation in the frequency domain can avoid cockamamie retarded time calculation. 113. The authors present two retarded versions of integral inequality, which can be used to ensure the boundness of solution to certain integral equation with time delay. 114. In it, sharing one coffin, lie a fiddler and a retarded boy killed by Teague 's Confederate Home Guard. 115. Slang Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person. 116. Most people with Down Syndrome syndrome are mildly to muderily retargatemoderately retarded.