快好知 kuaihz

1 Marking the exam papers was quite a slog. 2 The teacher made us slog through long lists of vocabulary. 3 He started to slog his way up the hill. 4 It's a long hard slog up the mountain. 5 And that was a real slog from Kumar. 6 Writing the book took ten months of hard slog. 7 He started to slog his way through the undergrowth. 8 This season has been a hard slog. 9 It'll be a slog, but I know we can do it. 10 The two teams will slog it out for second place. 11 You just have to sit down and slog through long lists of new vocabulary. 12 It was a long slog to the top of the mountain. 13 The exams were a real hard slog but I'm glad I did them. 14 The campaign promises to be a long,[www.] hard slog. 15 Just hard slog to move up the world rankings. 16 Then came Edinburgh and the long hard slog of a medical degree and the various hospital training jobs that followed. 17 But then, so do the 49ers as they slog their way through three more utterly meaningless games. 18 The answer is that you would have to slog it out all the way from London to Baghdad. 19 After a long approach slog, reaching the crest of a ridge usually means you're getting somewhere at last. 20 The season had been a hard slog and he felt a break was in the player's interests. 21 Occasionally he would step down the wicket and slog my straight medium pacer straight and high over my head. 22 From there it was a hard slog to Tokai but, once there, the wine! 23 The game was a hard slog with no finesse, despite the promotion aspirations of both sides. 24 That last hill before the finishing-line was a long slog! 25 There is little to show for the two years of hard slog. 26 Of course we shall sometimes feel lonely but we were never meant, grim-faced and tight-lipped, to slog on alone. 27 Now, their lustre faded, they must plough through the qualifying slog to get there. 28 But it was also going to be a boring slog. 29 The Charlatans know this. With their inbuilt Brit arrogance, they are avoiding the back-breaking circuit slog. 30 The first aspect that presents itself is one of sheer hard slog!