快好知 kuaihz

(121) Marjorie leaping with terror in the night as mice ran across their pillows. (122) They announced the birth and subsequent good health of three cloned mice, created by nuclear transfer. (123) Two days later Janir and I were still as weak as young mice. (124) They gave mice infusions of a blood-clotting factor and antibodies engineered to chaperone the factor to molecular targets in tumor vessels. (125) On my left, three stringy adolescent snakes emerge in unison from a small opening like ground mice. (126) It may be baled or carted loose: baling gives greater protection against rats and mice. (127) I imagined dead mice and old wires curled recklessly in the walls[http://], rusty pipes among antique fixtures. (128) For example, players who use three-button mice with the game can use one of the buttons to look up or down. (129) When the mice are 10 months old they begin, reliably, to get senile. (130) Reforming of DNase I hypersensitive sites in Long 12 transgenic mice in a copy number dependent fashion. (131) Marin, Marian and Alexandra emerge from the subway station like tiny mice, furtive and gray with fatigue and dirt. (132) Pronethalol had only just come into clinical use when it was found to produce tumours in mice. (133) An interesting consequence of this process is that the mice are then resistant to infection with exogenous mammary tumour viruses. (134) For the initial experiment, at day 7, 70 mice were randomly allocated to one of three groups. (135) The sun was shining down outside, and the mice were all very warm and comfortable. (136) There was thought to be a high barrier between hamsters and mice. (137) Mice, for example, excrete scents in their urine that enable females to avoid their close kin. (138) Now scores of mice have begun popping out of the woodwork. (139) It looks cool, it's well put together, and the keyboard and mice are well thought out. (140) And she couldn't sleep on the floor of the factory with the mice skittering round, and the black beetles everywhere. (141) The obvious question to ask would be: why do mice give birth to mice and elephants to elephants? (142) They look like deliciously glamorous mice, don't you agree, Ludo? (143) Might it not follow that other steps would need to be taken to help curb local unacceptable populations of rats and mice? (144) When material from the brains of these mice was injected into other mice and hamsters, it eventually killed them. (145) More experiments on more lymphoma-bearing mice followed, and the doses likely to achieve the best effect were assessed with great care. (146) A cat and the occasional use of warfarin keep the rats and mice more or less in check. (147) The mice sit under the floorboards with their tongues out, just waiting. (148) Then, the mice were killed and scientists counted their brain cells, looking for differences between the former littermates. (149) The lamps emit ultra-violet radiation which has powerful cancer-causing abilities, according to a small pilot study on its effects on mice. (150) These excursions in the dark were like a door to another world-the secret world of mice and shrews and moles and voles.