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(121) For many problems, people rely on drugs rather than seeking alternative coping strategies. (122) This is an excellent example of what the local historian will be coping with at parish level. (123) Time was also spent exploring the consequences of the overdose and finding alternative ways of coping with similar problems in the future. (124) First, reports reaching me indicate that many of those LEAs that were not coping have now cleared their backlogs. (125) For the nuclear element in electricity privatisation is the coping stone on which the flotation plans are based. (126) I felt sick when she praised the lead, knowing that I wasn't really coping. (127) She may feel cautious about exploring certain themes in her pretend play such as coping with aggression. (128) Mrs Jones' family say she's coping remarkably well, but they're horrified at her injuries. (129) How do ministers and clergy approach the difficult task of coping with bereavement and funerals? (130) She's very determined and that was her way of coping. (131) There are ways of coping with all these five kinds of events. (132) At the same time, coping with the complexity of cultural rules presents a real challenge. (133) Throughout his year in Downing Street, Lord Home brooded on ways of coping more successfully with the pressures on government. (134) Social workers and other primary care workers are well placed to identify people who have long-term social difficulties and poor coping resources. (135) What advice does the Bible about coping with poverty? (136) Am I advocating ribbing as a coping strategy? Absolutely. (137) This paper proposes some coping tactics in this regard. (138) Bibcock coping has private aircraft parking area even. (139) It's the devil of a business coping with her. (140) Objective:To assess the stress level and discuss coping styles of child's parents in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). (141) Casper, a young soldier home on leave, has a chance run-in with his childhood crush, now a grad student coping with conflicts of her own. (142) Titus: I think there is. I think he's having trouble coping with his workload. (143) There are even a few secular historians who believe that Jesus' body was eaten by dogs, and that his acolytes fabricated the story of a reverential entombment as a sort of coping mechanism. (144) One thing for you to remember when coping with adultery, is to realize that the adulterous marriage partner does not understand the full consequences of their actions. (145) Voting is coping stone of democracy – but it is flanked and buttressed by much more. (146) This paper, by analyzing the information about 126 infants with adhesion of labia minora, explores the causes of this abnormality and puts forward coping nursing strategies. (147) One of the hardest things in coping with adultery is to actually forgive the marriage partner that has committed the adulterous act. (148) Anxiety is correlated with coping styles. And multiple regression analysis shows that withdrawing can significantly predict hearing-impaired students' anxiety. (149) The results indicate that the main effects and mutual effect of coping style and stress situation on anxiety level and task-performing efficiency is very notable. (150) Strengthening the financial emergency management capacity building, improve the prevention of systemic risk in advance of the coping mechanisms and ex post facto .