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(151) Then the author applied the theory to china"s trade guild practice, by especially coping with the problems and setting up the countermeasures." (152) In the development of the reservoir flood control system software, there are many requirements about real active data processing, such as data mirroring, summation and coping. (153) The buffering effect of coping strategy adoptions was found in this study, but the mechanisms of the effect merit further exploration. (154) His way of coping was to throw himself into work, and he began to reinvent himself. (155) Yellow tile coping, under sunlight resplendent in gold and jade green. (156) The influencing factors among the sever responder groups were isolation, social discrimination and negative coping. (157) The bolt joint between coping and other components of car-body was simulated by coupling nodal degrees. (158) Cervical vertebra coping, of the belt headache. Left prothorax aches, it is how to return a responsibility, what disease be? How to administer? (159) This paper introduce the calculational program of coping elevation for free plate girder curve bridge and resolve the handworked calculational defect, it will useful for improving work efficiency. (160) Identify situations in which you tend to overeat and think of coping strategies for these times. (161) How are you all coping with living in a fishbowl? (162) The first is coping with exceptionally rapid growth without blowing up. (163) For the main arch type, coping with flying Angle, characters, landscape, flowers and plants. (164) Factors influencing the negative coping style included sleeping quality, personal expense, satisfaction about interpersonal relationship. (165) Objective To study the relationships of self-consistency and congruence and coping styles among college students, and to provide evidence for improving undergraduates' self consistency and congruence. (166) In considering coping with the bad effect of glitches a balanced view should be taken in choosing bit time parameters. (167) National economic mobilization has not only the function of coping with the war, but also the function of coping with the emergency. (168) The major key to coping with change is to accept the reality of change and its inevitability. (169) General self-efficacy correlates with coping styles significantly. It relates positively to solving problem and seeking support, but negatively to self-accusation, fantasy and withdrawal. (170) The text is approachable, coping well with quite complicated subjects. (171) Indeed, the system of flexible exchange rates has worked quite well in coping with the crisis. (172) Proposals are made on the rational utilization of the coping coal resources the Li - Liu Mining Area. (173) SCL-90 and coping style questionnaires were applied to make survey on 30 hyperthyroid patients; comparison was made with the control group. (173) Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! (174) Objiective:To explore the curative effect of Cordarone on paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and figure out nursing measures for coping with the disease by safely use of Cordarone. (175) To sum up, family environment has great influence on children's mental health, personality trait and coping style. Therefore, we should pay attention to creation of good family environment. (176) The child, facing stress of hospitalization, used coping behaviors included regression and escapism. (177) Through path analysis, self-concept not only influences depression directly, but also influences depression through achievement motivation and coping style indirectly. (178) The results of this study may help medical personnel understand the quality of life and coping behaviors of women with nocturia . (179) Hence biodiversity reduces economic risk and builds up economic stability, a very important factor for the livelihood of small farmer households who have week coping ability with risks. (180) ConclusionsThere are close relationships between the posttraumatic stress response and inappropriately coping styles and emotion regulation.