快好知 kuaihz

91. The tempos of income refer to real tempo, The price factor is taken out. 92. Both teams played with a lot of quality, pace and tempo. 93. On a warm afternoon before a sellout crowd of 42, 286 at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Brazil controlled the tempo early on. 94. A change of tone and tempo at 105 minutes into the film brings a welcome catharsis with a 20-minute extended battle sequence that has the speed and grandeur of Akira Kurosawa's samurai classics. 95. If tempo is high then players will look to move the ball around quickly and get it further upfield sooner. 96. In a moderately slow tempo, usually considered to be slower than allegretto but faster than adagio. Used chiefly as a direction. 97. In sharp contrast with such traditional values, Western modernity, guided by its linear view of time, uses the power of science and technology to control Nature and interrupts its tempo. 98. Users can search tracks by title and artist's name, but also by musical genre, mood, tempo and language through its "Songscreener" search. 99. In order to improve the operation tempo of Hilbert transform, this paper recomposed the primary operation method on the basis of FFT (Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm). 100. That decade had been convulsed by an acceleration (in tempo and complexity of rhythm) that impacted the dancefloor massive like g-force. 101. The film camera editing rhythm and tempo can strongly stimulate the audience's emotions. 102. To drive that message home, the President will co-launch a Bahasa Indonesia version of “The Right to Tell: The Role of Mass Media in Economic Development” co-published by the Bank and Tempo. 103. Suppose that we quicken the tempo of human life till men are senile at thirty. 104. A three-day-a-week running plan should include one speed day, one day on hills or tempo, and a long run. 105. It's got a quick tempo, a nice rhythm , and a heavy beat. 106. Record something more up - tempo I can get on the radio. 107. In a quick, lively tempo, usually considered to be faster than allegretto but slower than presto. Used chiefly as a direction. 108. In order to implement leaping development and quicken tempo of China railway informatization , it was built thee-Business Web station of Shenyang Railway Administration . 109. Transonic potential flow is an acoustic phenomenon in music, which opposites to traditional acoustic without melody and tempo. It includes the initial acoustic structure and technique parameters. 110. Passing style and tempo are linked. A short passing game works best with a slower tempo, whilst a direct, counter attacking style needs to be swift and quick. 111. The tempo marking in most cases is andante , adagio, or largo.