快好知 kuaihz

61. She felt trapped in a sham of a marriage. 62. People still opt for monogamy and marriage. 63. He's trying to save their marriage. 64. Their marriage ended in divorce. 65. She pondered his marriage proposal for weeks. 66. Marriage should be founded on love. 67. Their marriage began to founder soon after the honeymoon. 68. He is desirous of her hand in marriage. 69. He has not advised his friends of his marriage. 70. When I was 35 my marriage broke up. 71. She has a teenage daughter from a previous marriage. 72. Many women successfully mix marriage and career. 73. Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage. 74. How did we get onto the subject of marriage? 75. Jackie and Bill are still trying to patch up their marriage. 76. In retrospect, I think my marriage was doomed from the beginning. 77. In the past, a woman needed to be chaste to make a good marriage. 78. Both parties seemed to have a rather clinical view of the breakup of their marriage. 79. You can't just walk away from a marriage at the first sign of a problem. 80. Do you think they'll ever make a go of their marriage? 81. Is there a taboo against sex before marriage in your society? 82. If you fight for yourself, only you can win; when you fight for your marriage,[http:///marriage.html] you both win. 83. I know you both well and feel that your marriage will last for a long time. 84. Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up. 85. She is still coming to terms with the failure of her marriage. 86. Their marriage ended eight years ago in an acrimonious divorce. 87. I just want to wish you a happy marriage, happy, be deeply attached to each other forever! 88. My wife and I are very delighted to hear the news of your marriage.We send you both our love and hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together. 89. Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days. 90. It's not easy to apportion blame when a marriage breaks up.