快好知 kuaihz

121. Congratulations on your marriage. 122. I'm not sure if Karen is ready for marriage yet. 123. It is idle to pretend that their marriage is a success. 124. He confided to his friends that he didn't have much hope for his marriage. 125. George ducked out of his forced marriage to a cousin. 126. About 23% of men and women aged 25 to 34 told researchers they had previously cohabited with a partner without it leading to marriage. 127. Your marriage was very sudden. Have you thought things over properly? 128. His marriage to someone outside their faith was a great grief to his parents. 129. When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children. 130. After twelve years of marriage, the two people began to drift apart. 131. They seemed to have the perfect marriage but the reality was very different. 132. congratulations on your marriage. 133. The news of their marriage was not made public until three months later. 134. He was the innocent party in the breakdown of the marriage. 135. Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage. 136. Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there. 137. A plural marriage is forbidden by many countries. 138. I can't stand the confines of this marriage. 139. The marriage signalled James's embrace of the Catholic faith. 140. He sacrificed his marriage to his vaulting political ambition. 141. The marriage took place at St Bartholomew's church. 142. The marriage had lasted for less than two years. 143. Venice was a painful reminder of her marriage. 144. May you have a long and fruitful marriage. 145. Their marriage was not solemnized in the church. 146. As time went by, their marriage turned sour . 147. She was the dominant partner in the marriage. 148. My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage. 149. The breakdown of their marriage was irretrievable. 150. His marriage was going through a bad patch.