unsuccessful造句 211. His search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful. 212. Selection of immunoprotective antigens of the Eimeria species as vaccine candidates based upon recognition by the host immune system has been unsuccessful. 213. Pedestrian face-off is an awkward situation in which two pedestrians, who are on a collision course with each other, are repeatedly unsuccessful in averting one another.英文造句morphiapatchwork quiltfibrocartilagebus transfervinapanamanianmalignant hyperthermiaheigh-homalignant hypertensionanticyclonicvandamake someone"s dayre-recordseagoinggoatskinas sure as eggs is eggsgeneral secretarymanagement committeeset-toUNSCepilationvomit updefault settingsdope upmonetary incentivesaluminum hydroxidealkynesbe confident ingreat divide