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151. Satisfying himself after a while, he commenced to write a follow-up letter, composed by George and dated 31 August. 152. Negative information is not very satisfying, but it's information all the same. 153. A job like laminating these legs could hardly be more satisfying. 154. Harvesting and storing Our simple tips on handling and storage at harvest time, the most satisfying season for the kitchen gardener. 155. What is it about meaningful work that is so satisfying, that inspires people to take great risks? 156. And the bed of roasted garlic risotto on which the chicken rests is creamy and satisfying. 157. In the long run, such methods may well be both cheaper for employers and more satisfying for employees. 158. This is a most satisfying stunt when you can make each half of the eight equal in diameter. 159. Few things are more satisfying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own.Doug Larson 160. Indeed the specifications of a stress-free and satisfying job can only be made in relation to the tasks being undertaken. 161. Their basic proposition was that we tend to organise and simplify incoming information until it makes a satisfying pattern. 162. The other side of the coin is that it is very satisfying and rewarding because it stretches me in every possible way. 163. Neither are there sheep, though: this is an intelligent programme of satisfying second-class music, honest, unpretentious and enjoyable. 164. Setting up in Business Setting up your own business can be the most satisfying thing you ever do. 165. A downtown establishment has always made for satisfying target practice. 166. It's a simple, satisfying dish, the perfect thing to get through an afternoon of depositions. 167. It was satisfying to see the Dorothy Hodgkin Quadrangle near completion and already partly occupied, giving much needed additional undergraduate accommodation. 168. I feel that I should make a more concerted effort to leave my profession and find a new and more satisfying career. 169. Recruitment into the trials depended on patients satisfying the entry criteria and giving their informed consent. 170. The differences widen even further when account is taken of the more satisfying nature of professional occupations. 171. What is given as a satisfying offering from the dominant person is roughly related to needs. 172. Only through such discussions can we begin to probe the ways in which a satisfying and total response gradually emerges. 173. Satisfying our requests and quick response are our responsibility. 174. I found wood carving satisfying and painting fun. 175. Supping on cold potatoes was never very satisfying. 176. In moderating , not satisfying , desires [http://], lies. 177. Por many cases of rolled strip's edge wave, central wave and so on, computation tallies with experiment well, which is satisfying. 178. It was found that the mixing effect of the new venture type gas mixer was much more satisfying than the old one and the aliform pipe was better than the columnar pipe. 179. A function found on the data of porosity depth or density depth from a given layer in one well or poly wells could be more reliable so that it can figure out a satisfying decompaction thickness. 180. Newton Raphson method was introduced into the FEM analysis model in order to ensure that the solution of each iterative step would converge by means of satisfying some restrictive condition.