快好知 kuaihz

61. Yet the figure was still beyond touching distance. 62. His beastly gloating hands touching me. 63. Anyone touching him is severely burned. 64. What it must be like! How touching. 65. She went to the ballot box touching her hat. 66. She has to be funny, touching and innately elegant. 67. Sentimental, yes, but ultimately very touching. 68. He drew me closer until our bodies were touching. 69. I closed the book, touching it gently. 70. Childhood memory is however typically family-centred, touching only haphazardly on the unattached. 71. He lay head towards the door and at an angle of forty-five degrees from the bed, his shoes touching the end. 72. Thinking about hands, Pete's hands on bare skin, his lips touching bare skin. 73. It premiered in 1986, and is as taut now, as touching, witty, and provocative as it seemed then. 74. Alma made them string clothesline around so she could stretch blanketing over him and down to the floor without its touching him. 75. I could stretch both arms toward the sides of the chamber without touching them. 76. Give a different student the saucepan and the spoon and ask her to stand close to the bowl without touching it. 77. I find it very disturbing and unwelcome to have you go touching me as you do. 78. He found her solicitude touching but Modigliani dismissed her, calling her a milksop. 79. Avoid transferring allergens to your eyes by touching them with your fingers or gloves. 80. In a touching ode to the team concept, last month Warrior guard Mookie Blaylock skipped a team practice to play golf. 81. Particular characters are high-lighted by a touching arrow whereas important regions are indicated by an arrow slightly removed. 82. E-e started kissing her crotch, very gently, his lips barely touching the fabric. 83. I came home from school as I had arrived: fast, my feet barely touching the pavement. 84. This mode of touching, unlike the previous ones, had the unmistakable air of a personal communication. 85. His hair was all tousled, a scarf round his neck, touching his braces. 86. He pulled back her chair and Evelyn sat down, her shoulder touching his arm for a second. 87. She made touching things for the children called mock devil's-food-cakes, concocted out of cocoa, golden syrup, carrots and soya flour. 88. That didn't stop my old man pocketing the money, touching his cap and then heading off towards the Black Bull. 89. I frankly became rather absorbed in the film, which I found very touching. 90. And heaped up in one corner, almost touching the ceiling, was a huge pile of junk.