adolescence造句61) Pickerage, with the cunning of adolescence, was finding expedients that kept him well out of Toby's way.
62) When questioned directly about these findings, the patient admitted to the presence of visual abnormalities since early adolescence.
63) The central focus is the development of leisure interests during adolescence and the theoretical framework draws upon recent work in social cognition.
64) Now it is readily apparent that adolescence conceived in this way does not correspond with puberty.
65) When we entered adolescence, they would be the first on the block to consider killing people who disagreed with them.
66) One of these was Roslyn. During her adolescence she had been deeply and profoundly idealistic.
67) As we emerge into adolescence, we slowly come to know the future and return to our origins.
68) He had struggled with alcohol and drug abuse from early adolescence.
69) During the course of development of formal operations in adolescence, the social aspects of development continue.
70) In conversation this appeared to be the pattern of most youngsters and presumably is coinciding with early adolescence.
71) Though Saskia musters all her forces to stave off adolescence, hormones are against her.
72) But one person in every 20 will continue to wet their bed well into adolescence, even adulthood.
73) Hamsters reared in the laboratory can be made to have female-biased litters by keeping them hungry during adolescence or pregnancy.
74) Though I had scribbled away as a child, during my adolescence, I had never kept much of a diary.
75) Karen, six years older than Iain, had held an even keel through adolescence.
76) For he grew up before the permissive society and remembers his adolescence.
77) The secrecy which, in my adolescence, surrounded menstruation was an indication of the inferior status of women in that society.
78) They had proceeded through childhood and into their adolescence just like a thousand and one other families in the community.
79) At least these skits had grown in sophistication since my adolescence.
80) Working-class heroes have often flirted with delinquency in adolescence: it is hard to find the right channel for extraordinary energy.
81) Mary Leapor at some point in her adolescence became a domestic servant.
82) I made a vow that I should not allow my children to look at Shakespeare until adolescence.
83) Charlotte Mason regarded teaching as her vocation from her early adolescence.
84) The project will also be exploring how identity, the self-concept, changes in response to educational and occupational experiences during adolescence.
85) Here are the roots of the regressive trends in adolescence and in adult life.
86) Not even the gawky years of adolescence would alter it.
87) His sad, excruciatingly well-behaved adolescence is inextricable from the progress of a doomed friendship with an eccentric schoolmate, Smallgods.
88) My adolescence was a triumph of the superego over the id.
89) He was entering that awkward stage of early adolescence and had become a somewhat ungainly-looking boy.
90) In all this, including the boredom, there is nothing new in the annals of adolescence.