adolescence造句91) Autonomy is important to everyone, but I think it is fair to say that it is of particular importance in adolescence.
92) Only through good relations with his parents can a child successfully mature into adolescence.
93) The only other period of such rapid development is adolescence.
94) Impressions gleaned in childhood and rein forced in adolescence cling like limpets into adulthood despite valiant efforts to shake them off.
95) Unilateral respect relationships in adolescence can postpone adaptation to the real world and integration into society.
96) Then one day we stumbled into puberty and found that our adolescence coincided with the struggle for national independence.
97) But as the egocentrism of other periods gradually diminished, so does the egocentrism of adolescence with continued development.
98) They progress much further than Gang into late adolescence, a period more amenable to bittersweet comedy.
99) At adolescence, adopted children have the normal crop of teenage problems.
100) Young girls, before they reach adolescence, have an instinctive grace in their movements.
101) Marlin's record collection was chiefly seduction songs of his sixties adolescence, which suited her fine.
102) The problems are the normal ones of adolescence and will pass in their own good time.
103) Nevertheless, adolescence is the time when ego-identity development inevitably dominates the personal development of the individual for a while.
104) Depression During adolescence, emotions are strong and teenagers often experience violent mood swings, including bouts of depression.
105) Turbulence and violent death haunted his adolescence just as repression and hard tack had besieged his childhood.
106) During her adolescence she had been deeply and profoundly idealistic.
107) Here males stay with their male kin as adults and females move into new groups at adolescence.
108) I should know ... Friendships become easier for young women in later adolescence as they develop a clearer sense of self identity.
109) The narrator is basically reflecting on what happened to him during childhood, adolescence and into adulthood.
110) It seems to me that anorexia nervosa acts as a metaphor for all the problems of adolescence.
111) There was another reason why in early adolescence this distortion was strongly reinforced.
112) In major life changes such as adolescence, for successful growth opportunities both active and quiescent periods are needed.
113) It is still in the turbulent years of adolescence.
114) Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and manhood.
115) Can excessive masturbation affect adolescence long?
116) In his adolescence, he had apparent abundant affiance.
117) He displayed all the awkwardness of adolescence.
118) Conclusion: Manipulation can obtain good short-term and long-term effect for cervical spondylotic radiculopathy in adolescence.
119) Psychologists are dealing with the problem of maladjusted adolescence and " juvenile delinquency ".
120) They experienced adolescence, developed powerful mother - and - child bonds and used political chicanery to get what they wanted.