persecution造句1, These people are seeking/taking refuge from persecution.
2, It is worthwhile to note that both suffered persecution.
3, She was diagnosed as suffering from persecution mania.
4, They suffered persecution for their beliefs.
5, Despite persecution, she remained faithful to her beliefs.
6, They left the country out of fear of persecution.
7, She had delusions of persecution.
8, For pity's sake try to stop this persecution.
9, Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania.
10, They fled to Europe to escape persecution.
11, It is the memory and threat of persecution that binds them together.
12, I had a persecution complex and thought people were conspiring against me.
13, Left-wing opposition leaders, in flight from persecution, went across the border.
14, She started to have a persecution complex when she couldn't get a job.
15, In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India.
16, Their persecution only serves to arouse the opposition of the people.
17, Those individuals fleeing persecution, however, deserve special consideration.
18, The monks protected Jews in flight from Nazi persecution.
19, In the persecution of 1665, he was banished with other missionaries to Canton.
20, Some students returning to the country may face political persecution.
21, He had to show that he had a well-founded fear of persecution on religious or political grounds to qualify as a refugee.
22, He had fled from France at the time of the persecution.
23, There's a law to protect refugees from forcible return to countries where they face persecution.
24, Yet, as often as not,[http:///persecution.html] they find themselves the target of persecution rather than praise.
25, He always cleaves to his principle in spite of persecution.
26, At least one creature, however, has been subjected to persecution unmotivated by financial considerations.
27, Now the Government is trying to sue me, and that is persecution.
28, St Mark was writing at a time when the early church was under terrible persecution.
29, It is a testimony to the fundamental nature of pagan beliefs and practices that they have survived centuries of persecution.
30, Persons leaving a Communist country were normally presumed to be fleeing persecution.