persecution造句31, Many refugees risk death or arrest in their attempts to flee persecution.
32, Why would anyone wish to seize the symbolic power in such a hounded institution and risk exposure and persecution?
33, After years of persecution by colonial rulers, Orisha worshipers only recently had their religion officially recognized by the government.
34, Over the following weeks, Portadown loyalists harassed the police in retaliation for what they claimed was police persecution.
35, By the Edict of Milan, promulgated in 313, he forbade persecution of all forms of monotheism in the Empire.
36, She speaks of the persecution suffered at the hands of her father and her yearning for liberty.
37, The government contended that most of the refugees were fleeing poverty, not persecution.
38, The evidence for the feelings of persecution came from the discussions of the fixing of wage rates by personnel managers.
39, They claimed to be victims of political persecution following the military crackdown on student protesters.
40, Instead they seem to close ranks against any criticism and label it persecution.
41, He used laughter as a way of placating persecution in advance.
42, The Gospel contains a large amount of material concerned with the theme of suffering and persecution.
43, Quindly Quot used to tell the story of the Spiggies, their persecution by the Jingoes and how they got their revenge.
44, By virtue of this, there does not appear to have been in Ireland any large-scale persecution of heretics.
45, But neither persecution by the state nor condemnation from their fellow Christians stopped them.
46, The original case was brought by three men who said they fled Pak istan in fear for their lives or from persecution.
47, Migration, for example, may be an enforced personal tragedy following persecution or a voluntary choice for a more prosperous life.
48, Most of Britain's birds of prey are only now recovering from this long persecution.
49, Cranmer shared the Tudor passion for religious uniformity, but was mild in persecution.
50, For three hundred years the persecution of witchcraft was to continue until the advent of our modern scientific world.
51, However, fellow evangelical pilgrims claimed they were victims of religious persecution.
52, Home Office guidelines suggested that refugees from religious, racial or political persecution had the strongest case for a C registration.
53, Yet foreign support can not justify persecution of house churches and other heterodox sects.
54, Many people who came to the colonies were escaping religious persecution.
55, Wolfenden had come and gone, but persecution was still abroad in the streets and back lanes of Tyneside.
56, For the cynic will always say that the scientists of the past simply feigned their belief in order to escape persecution.
57, His biographer has stressed the consistency with which he avoided extreme political alignments and maintained a steadfast dislike of religious persecution.
58, The constitution guarantees freedom from persecution on grounds of race, sex, or sexuality.
59, She was swamped by a wave of impotent anger at and violent dislike for the man whose dogged persistence bordered on persecution.
60, The Christians faced fierce persecution and opposition, especially from a more numerous religious group known as the Gnostics.