快好知 kuaihz

31. What I do inside the bakery is fold paper boxes before I put the pastries and cakes inside. 32. For those smaller plant bakery companies who can not compete in these volume stakes the choice is quite clear. 33. I am fourteen years old, standing behind the window of the bakery where I work to earn my spending money. 34. After Pinocchio eats his way through a local bakery, Gepetto is sued by the owners for full restitution. 35. Likewise, a wholesale bakery believes that it is in the business of making bread and desserts for grocery chains. 36. We got up at 6 a.m. to start making bacon and tomato butties for the Co-op Bakery and homeward-bound shift workers. 37. In our bakery we have to compensate for that in other ways, through our relationships with one another. 38. We found other times to take him for a stroll without carving into her bakery outing. 39. A motor car was parked in the alleyway about three metres from the bakery door and alongside the Alliance building end wall. 40. By this time we had already closed the restaurant and turned it into a bakery coffee shop. 41. Hovis and other wholemeal bread producers have often used the image of the family bakery. 42. The judges liked the pumpkin pie from Gayle's Bakery best. 43. The Laws family ran a bakery in Northgate hence the nickname Teacakes. 44. Twice a week I collected my pupil from the bakery after school. 45. The door into the alleyway was open, giving a clear view into the bakery. 46. Kuleto's Bakery produces some of the finest pastries in town. 46.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 47. In our bakery, the one catch-all word for a perfect dough is vibrant. 48. He walked past the jewelry shops, every bakery window with a pink-and-white wedding cake. 49. Caterers from Lexington were providing a banquet, and the local bakery had designed a huge oval birthday cake. 50. We do not make fifty-seven varieties at our bakery, though it would be easy to do so. 51. Michael and Susan Ramos will send you full information about their truly exceptional bakery products. 52. An, in-store bakery can provide many selections among sweet goods and breads. 53. The buildings, located at 5741-5761 Copley Drive, are largely vacant, with a bakery as the only existing tenant. 54. They raided the main city bakery to dispense scones and cakes to workers at the civic centre. 55. Having worked at a bakery during his university vacations, Ditton had no difficulty in being taken on again. 56. They established a bakery that eventually employed several hundred village girls on a part-time basis while they finished school. 57. The case came to light at Liverpool magistrates' court when Shaw Bakery was prosecuted for a lapse in food hygiene standards. 58. Some products that bear freshness dates are cheeses, breakfast cereals, bakery products, and mayonnaise. 59. She and my father were no longer living together, although they still worked side by side each day in the bakery. 60. Another went to the bakery warehouse, loaded her car, and created a pastry sculpture in the middle of her kitchen.