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91. The best hot chocolates I've had, like at NYC's City Bakery or anywhere in Spain, are thick, almost soupy drinks made with high-quality dark chocolate. 92. The meat is tucked into semolina rolls from Parisi bakery on Elizabeth Street. 93. The following day, scamper about goes to small white hare bakery, " Boss, have 100 bun? " 94. For example, when you go to the bakery and buy a dozen donuts or bagels, you oftentimes get a 'free' one or a baker's dozen. 95. If you live near a bread store, or your grocery store does it, check out the day-old bread and bakery items. 96. The Company specializes in Swiss Croissants , Danish pastry, Bread Rolls, Bread Loafs, Muffins, Savories and many other bakery products. 97. The town of Solitaire has a single digit population and is located in the middle of the desert. But the local bakery produces superb apple strudel, a hangover from previous German colonisers. 98. My parents ran a bakery, so naturally I learned to bake. 99. Lesaffre sourced the new strain after scouring its yeast varietal bank of more than 6000 strains. Functional bakery applications and supplements are the initial point of focus. 100. A bakery at the Giza Pyramid area, from the year 2575 B C . has been excavated. 101. One of the raids was at an establishment called Your Black Muslim Bakery which was the subject of a story a journalist was working on before he was shot to death Thursday. 102. I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here. 103. Among the fastest growing chains in this category are Panera Bread, Corner Bakery, Chipotle, Culver's, Cosi, and Potbelly Sandwich Works. 104. Shelf life of foods, such as bakery products, is principally affected by two major factors:atmospheric oxygen and the growth of aerobic spoiling microorganisms. 105. At Ambrosia Bakery in Baton Rouge, La. , owner Felix Sherman Sr. said the price of nuts is one reason he had to raise the price of a 9-inch pecan pie about 15 percent this year, to $12.95. 106. One of the raids was at an establishment called "Your Black Muslim Bakery , which was the subject of a history journalist was working on before he was shot to death Thursday." 107. Manila's sexy Kink Cakes bakery heating up for a funny Valentine's Day. 108. Usage: In food industry, it is used as leavening agent, dough regulator, buffer, modifier, solidification agent, nutritional supplement, chelate agent, flulty agent for bakery. 109. Buy: Coca powder, Glucose FruIt'sugar, Confecationary machine, Raw material for bakery and confectionary. 110. Confident and cocky, the Gingerbread Baby happens upon a bakery, where he dances and prances in front of a sugar cookie girl, trying to make friends. 111. This one in a bakery of all things we'd parked our bikes a half block away. 112. Aluminum free baking powder does not contain any metal aluminum, which can ensure the health of consumer. Currently most bakery product manufacturers prefer to use aluminum free baking powder. 113. Character:White powder. For all kinds of bakery products. Especially for making pastry, chiffon cake and bubble cake. Regarding the egg white, the dosage varies according to different recipe. 114. Campus facilities include a supermarket, a bakery, a bookshop and a newsagent , a hairdresser, a post office and two banks. 115. BKK Bagel Bakery sells homemade, New York-style bagels (plain, salt, whole wheat, poppy seed, sesame and 'everything'), as well as sandwiches, lox and cream cheese. 116. This small bakery has since developed into today's modern processing plant – the largest butter cookie bakery in the world. 117. I bought some lovely raisin buns at the bakery. Shall I bring you one with some tea? 118. "Can't believe how easy it was to find you, " he told Carmen Elcira, sitting now on her love seat. "I said your name in a bakery around here, and they knew just who you were." 119. SpreadMount baking powder can increase bakery product volume, improve the appearance and texture, as well as make the product more delicious. 120. The gourmet restaurant has its own bakery and serves smoked salmon from Scotland and Viennese pastries.