快好知 kuaihz

121. However, in compensation I did find a nice silver hammered halfpenny of Henry V and a few rose farthings. 122. A Saturn V sits on its mobile launcher at complex 39A. 123. V., a nonprofit limited liability company, was formed to develop and operate the network. 124. Well-known club cricketer in Surrey/Middx: 10 for 36 for Kingston v Surbiton Town, 1961. 125. Every monarch since George V, and Prince Charles too, has imbibed his words. 126. I read the appeal in the newspapers for Madame V to come forward, but they said nothing about abduction or ransom. 127. Born in Kent, she now lives close to Sunderland with her T.V. producer husband and their 8 year old daughter. 128. Probably the only effective cure for green water is a U/V filter. 129. Although U/V, ozone and protein skimmers were known, reference books often claimed they were unnecessary. 130. Stratus claims to be the first fault-tolerant system vendor to ship the Unix System V.4 multiprocessing operating system. 131. Q.V. stamps of Great Britain failed to attract a buyer, and is safely stored away for next year. 132. The plaintiff's horse ate some leaves and died and the defendants were held liable under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher. 133. The walk was started by T.V. star Fred Wedlock who is himself a railway enthusiast. 134. A medical quality quartz tube surrounds the U/V tube which has a 5,000 hour continuous use life. 135. Ipswich v Newcastle Ipswich's ex-Norwich winger Donowa makes his full League debut for his home-town team. 136. In 1920, embarrassingly soon after becoming naval aide-de-camp to George V, Sinclair was divorced. 137. Table V shows the percentage of time the oesophageal and gastric tracings indicated identical pressure recordings. 138. Similarly, a negative value for v t will suggest a fall in expected income but no accompanying fall in consumption expenditure. 139. There is a lounge, T.V. room, table tennis, cellar bar, large sauna, solarium and steam bath. 140. The facts are stated in the judgment of Sir Donald Nicholls V.-C. 141. In Brown v. Board of Education, which dealt specifically with elementary education, the Court took the final logical step. 142. The chairman and Mrs. V. Hawkins will make the necessary contacts. 143. Only V. dubyana is frequently cultivated as a decorative aquarium plant. 144. The group intends to have System V achieve a downtime of about five minutes a year by 1999. 145. The leading case on exclusion of liability for negligence is Smith v Bush. 146. He did not kno., v that he had made a joke until he saw Mel slapping his thigh and laughing. 147. Both materials were removed in a 550-torr helium arc discharge sustained by 28 V at 70 amps d.c. 148. I do not believe that my views are inconsistent with cases such as Halsey v. Esso Petroleum Co. 149. Largely made obsolete by V. 32bis technology, V. 32 modems can still offer inexpensive access to on-line services. 150. There was an appeal in the papers here, I know, for Madame V to come forward.