快好知 kuaihz

91. But I've always found the Flying V and its derivatives a devil of a job to sit down with and play. 92. Ipswich v Sunderland Ipswich will put together their best run for five years if they avoid defeat against Sunderland. 93. Table V. i summarizes the responses we received as to the role individuals should play within their local community. 94. Medtronic Inc. v. Lohr: Federal law does not prevent patients from suing manufacturers of defective medical devices in state courts. 95. This code enables users to produce a complete working Agent for installation in an System V.4 environment in minutes. 96. The principal goal of Republican conservatives is to reverse the Roe v Wade ruling. 97. The quest to free Ireland begins Book V and the successful slaying of Grantorto is in the final canto. 98. The discovery that Diodorvs V contained a paraphrase of the same basic text gave an altogether different dimension to Posidonius' work. 99. This is the action in the famous Argyll v. Argyll, which concerned the possible disclosure of intimate marital secrets. 100. Answer guide: Some useful examples are high technology v. more traditional industries, retail consumables v. furniture retailers. 101. As forewarned, I did not win, despite a good oral presentation and the best c.v. of all the candidates. 102. Sticking to the letter of the law v. sticking to its spirit. 103. Bad guys did not suffer their comeuppance in Act V on the forty-first floor. 104. The commonest clinical symptom associated with V cholerae non-O1 infection is watery diarrhoea, mild to moderate in severity. 105. James V blackmailed the papacy into allowing him to extort vast amounts of taxation from the church. 106. Both animals were the only Rottweilers in the open class to gain a V rating. 107. At intense levels U/V light can be used to kill bacteria in the system. 108. It spreads out in a perfect V from a back yard. 109. Like V. dubyana it extends over stones and submersed wood, forming a green or yellow-green to brownish cover of plants. 110. This was a success as most H.V.s keep lists of groups to tell their new mums about. 111. In the aquarium V. dubyana is cultivated in rather shady conditions attached to stones and other objects. 112. Semi chips are a gas Swanson is also involved in studies on fabrication techniques for III/V ICs. 113. The ability of V domain dimerization to exhibit a degree of structural fluidity has previously been noted. 114. Legislators who supported the right to abortion immediately took steps to negate the effects of the Rust v. Sullivan ruling. 115. The fully fuelled Saturn V sitting on the launch pad had a total mass some 56 times that of the Apollo spacecraft. 116. The girl nearest to the car, noticing the fixity of his stare, responded with a discreet V sign. 117. The leading modern authority of Bridge v Deacons concerned a firm of solicitors in Hong Kong. 118. For the moment, Mr V.P. Singh has retained a number of portfolios, the most senior of which is defence. 119. In the first place, v. 21b is a notorious crux of interpretation. 120. V Out of office for the first time since 1951, the Conservatives threw themselves into policy making after the 1964 election defeat.