快好知 kuaihz

31. If you don't keep cheese in the fridge, it goes mouldy very quickly. 32. Wait a little longer and the brown turns to black; this means the flesh has become bruised or mouldy. 33. A few mouldy bones break the surface of the water here and there. 34. Her nose twitched to the smell: mouldy and fetid like sweaty clothes left to stew in a plastic bag. 35. The paint surface grew a little cracked and mouldy, but nothing else seemed to be happening. 36. Pretty mouldy pay increase this year. 37. Foods are easily to be mouldy in humid days. 38. The bread has gone mouldy. 39. The newspapers grew mouldy on the tables. 40. The grain has gone mouldy in the stack. 41. We should take precautions against the damp, to prevent the grain from going mouldy. 42. Corked wine is easier to recognise than to describe: it is woody, mouldy, stale and mouth - puckering. 43. Results The cadavers didn't appear putrescent , mouldy or inflated. 44. He found that the mouldy old haditation somewhat depressed his bride. 45. Corked taste , Corkiess, Corky . Taste imparted to bottled wines by defective or mouldy corks. 45.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 46. I've selected small mouldy room with a low ceiling in a hostel next to Yunlin's. 47. No feed that has become mouldy and rotten, or deteriorated in quality, or moth-eaten or polluted may be used for feeding experimental animals. 48. Mouldy reason and mould - proof measure and mould - proof test are introduced in this paper. 49. Corked taste , corkiness, corky. Taste imparted to bottled wines by defective or mouldy corks. 50. This house has not been lived in for a long time, so It'smells mouldy. 51. But we found nearly half on them were mouldy. We can't accept them anyway. 52. I always cover my licence with sticky-backed plastic, but even then it can turn mouldy and unreadable. 53. We fly in the planes and we eat the mouldy fruit salad. 54. If the sprouts smell, or taste, mouldy or acidic do not eat them.