快好知 kuaihz

31. Hurriedly she finished her ablutions, pulled on her clothes and went to investigate. 32. Suddenly there was a flurry of activity, their bags were packed hurriedly and they were to leave that very day. 33. She hurriedly tidied her hair, pulling it back until it hurt and securing the tight knot with pins. 34. The walrus followed us in to the shallows, and we hurriedly jumped out on to the shore to get better pictures. 35. Two police officers burst in, the latter hurriedly flashing his ID card at her as they made their way upstairs. 36. The newcomers spread out across the floor of the tavern, whilst customers dodged hurriedly out of their way. 37. The carpenter and blacksmith hurriedly fashion a new one, and Ahab has a new harpoon fashioned from the finest iron. 38. Springing up, she smoothed back her tousled hair and hurriedly unbolted the door to Bethany smiling at her. 39. After searing the inside of my esophagus with a hurriedly gulped cup of scalding coffee-I was now drinking coffee-I had collected myself. 40. Penelope reached for it hurriedly, needing its sustenance to maintain her equilibrium. 41. He fished hurriedly in his pocket and found a waxed box with his last few matches in it. 42. Publishers, eager to profit from the new surge of interest in romances, hurriedly launched new romance lines. 43. She backed hurriedly from the chamber and along the passageway. 44. He heard the door close behind him and hurriedly wiped his cheeks. 45. There was evidence here, too, that the owners had left hurriedly, or been driven out. 46. Dressing hurriedly, he dashed outside to find that, in just a few hours, the whole world had been transformed. 47. I luxuriate in my thick soft sweater, I am relieved as I hurriedly button my skirt. 48. The trip has been hurriedly arranged by a group of pub locals. 49. Sometimes he had to leave important meetings hurriedly and rush to the lavatory, which he found extremely embarrassing. 50. As if he had forgotten himself, Wasswa hurriedly got up and draped a towel around the President's shoulders. 51. However, other high-level Navy officials acknowledged the Nimitz had been hurriedly ordered to the Persian Gulf. 52. Latecomers hurriedly kneel and bow, trying to catch up with the group prayer in progress. 53. My companions hurriedly dropped me off at Chateaubelair, near Richmond, leaving me to wade ashore waist deep. 54. Alice hurriedly put out the cigarette and got up to empty the ash tray. 55. In Tana shops were shut, streets were deserted and window shutters hurriedly closed as the time approached. 56. Hours before the rebels arrived his body was hurriedly wrapped in a blanket and secreted in a shallow grave. 57. She hurriedly stuffed some things into an overnight bag and left. 58. But after a hurriedly arranged meeting, involving the national gipsy council, an uneasy truce was reached. 59. It was hurriedly written on a scrap of papyrus which had been used and scraped clean several times before. 60. Terry hurriedly stubbed out his roll-up, pushed his chair back and got up.