快好知 kuaihz

91. A further spanner was thrown into the works by Turkey's refusal to allow use of its territory — meaning that the British had to hurriedly retool for an invasion from Kuwait. 92. The others made it to the Ohio shore, where Parker hurriedly arranged for a wagon to take them to the next "station" on the Underground Railroad -- the first leg of their journey to safety in Canada. 93. The ocarina son hurriedly passes condition words in the elapse, merely in the idea to this with calm consideration ugg short straightforward of man had several cents the good will. 94. Looking by to plague blood to brush to keep, I hurriedly from ugg boots archive in take out one class cooking, cooking of cooling period is 5, location to I quite disadvantageous! 95. He turned and hurriedly made his way to Jill Temple's suite. 96. He hurriedly penciled his name on the visitors'book and bicycled away. 97. After 12 years of inactivity, Constantin hurriedly commissioned Roger Corman's production company to make an 'ashcan' movie, solely to retain the Fantastic Four film rights. 98. You hang up hurriedly and attend to baby, crockery, etc. 99. Only when the victim ceased to struggle, and his shrieks had passed into a long-drawn , rhythmic death - rattle, the mob began hurriedly to change places about the bleeding corpse on the ground. 100. Sit on the bus, scenery of seeing outside the window float slowly and stream of people coming and going hurriedly, think of we bit at qq, tears is it bedew the eyelash to can't help. 101. It came to me like the bird of the evening that hurriedly flies across the lampless room from the one open window to the other, and disappears in the night. 102. It came to me like a bird of the evening that hurriedly flies across the lampless room from the one open window to the other, and disappears in the night. 103. He hurriedly filed a story that a Soviet assault on West Berlin was imminent. 104. Hung - chien called out hurriedly, " I have a small flashlight. ". 105. The onlooking office secretaries then joined in, and hurriedly brought an empty copy paper box to collect the babies. 106. The rights and wrongs of specific event, we are difficult hurriedly judgement. 107. After hurriedly completing my chores, I went straight to the nearest movie theatre. 108. Jane Austen hurriedly replied, with as much trepidation as amusement. 109. Seven treasures equitable considering brush-off, on act not be cautious a bedcover pack to suffocate, hurriedly infuse a few orange juices just difficultly keep on swallowing. 110. The womenfolk of a families want is also, hurriedly mallet out ear to listen to. 111. How doesn't know, he is suddenly flurried, digs up altogether hurriedly his table's on thing the drawer, at the same time shouted 'the earthquake to me, earthquake, tantivy , your also tantivy '. 112. He drives hurriedly in the direction of the Pole Star. 113. Upon hearing the last sentence, the scholar walked away hurriedly. 114. The man shrugged off his coat hurriedly and let it fall to the ground. 115. This is where macro photography comes in. It gives us a glimpse into the world of the very small, which goes largely unnoticed by us as we hurriedly shuffle through our day. 116. It is a little after daybreak. We pack hurriedly and sneak out of the hotel. 117. " I mustn't think about that now,'she told herself hurriedly. 118. The proptosis faced to upsurge station passenger, the bat batch head hurriedly presses near, wantons acquisition and likes to living jollification. 119. The chorale hurriedly got ready and sang, and as they did, the son of the man who had died heard them. 120. With marriage preparations being hurriedly organized, Tom finds himself ordained the maid of honor, and in a struggle on all levels to outdo the wonderful groom Colin.