快好知 kuaihz

91. Jump along the window ledge, dropping down to spray the bin, now jump the three aliens. 92. Shaikh Abdullah bin Said bin Abdul-Aziz al-Thani became deputy governor at under-secretary level. 93. And if it ends up in the scrap bin, we simply write it off to experience, and start again. 94. BIn the process, however, they pose special challenges -- and problems -- for teachers and classmates alike. 95. In the end, to draw matters to an unhappy conclusion they all agreed that it had probably been a bin liner. 96. The piles of pamphlets and the hand-outs went in the bin. 97. So far, she'd just flushed the smack down the loo and shoved the syringes in the bin. 98. As far as sin is concerned, we must bin it or face the consequences. 99. Then after filling a plastic bag she popped the lot in the bin. 100. What kind of a loony bin have they got down there in Berkeley, anyway? 101. He spotted a cockroach as it scuttled out from under a bin bag. 102. An' the third one's brain had bin pulverised - by a blow delivered through the roof of its mouth! 103. You can barely dump your black bag in the bin before the rubbish regulars pounce. 104. And when I pretended to be a horse I got so excited I bumped into this litter bin and fell over. 105. They had to pass round bin liners so that people could throw in their sodden tissues. 106. It consists of a plastic bin with a lockable lid that will keep out flies,[www.] children and so on. 107. When there's a possibility of frost I cover it with a polythene bin bag - an instant propagator. 108. Most people think of waste as being the contents of the domestic rubbish bin. 109. Two stolen paintings have been found dumped in a rubbish bin. 110. There are many types of bin sold to keep the compost area tidy and clean, or you can make your own. 111. Laura took a large plain loaf from the bread bin, and began slicing it. 112. BIn this saga of judicial wrangling, the government misread public sentiment. 113. Her severed head flopped on a bin of guts, yellow beak in a grimace - take me with you? 114. Stash old plastic or paper shopping bags near the rubbish or garbage bin and then you can re-cycle them as bin liners. 115. And the answer so simple: what is not wanted ... goes in the bin. 116. He was burning the Fax message in a metal waste bin or my name was Roylance Maclean. 117. She even exercises extreme caution about what she throws into her waste-paper bin. 118. His bowels were another matter, and for this he would climb into the bin to ensure privacy. 119. BIn his 1968 profile of California, disguised as a novel about an apocalyptic earthquake, Curt Gentry saw this passage coming. 120. The vast majority of people in Thurrock took my advice and put the silly leaflet in the bin.