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151. Keep the stamps near your envelopes, pens near notepads, fresh folders near the filing cabinet, ink near the printer, shredder near the recycling bin, and so on. 152. Ich bin heute Nacht erst 3 Uhr nach Hause gekommen . Jetzt f ü hle ich mich wie ger ? dert. 153. She took out the plate, stared blankly at the dried-up food on it, and tipped it into the bin. 154. The sole reason the Recycle Bin exists is to implement an undo facility for deleted files. 155. The type command also shows that cd is a built-in command and is duplicated externally as /usr/bin/cd. 156. If you installed something in /opt, and the makefile refers to /usr/local/bin, the build will fail. 157. I also signed several Memoranda of Notification (MONs) authorizing the CIA to use lethal force to apprehend bin Laden. 158. Notice the Korn Shell 93 /usr/bin/ksh93 command shell is specified with the mkquedev command; any valid shell can be used as the back-end processor. 159. You looked that wheat soybean cotton sorghum, has packed the grain bin granary. 160. Mr bin Laden matters because he swept up a ragbag of local grievances into a brand of intoxicating and violent jihad with worldwide pretensions. 161. Only the robber in Florida, who tried to use a see-thru bin liner for to hide his identity, beats this failing in disguise. 162. "Nature is mixture of opposites. It is beautiful and dangerous, constant and inconstant, vulnerable and strong. " — Muhammad bin Muharram. 163. Yet ironically they are achieving one of Bin Laden's main goals – to get rid of the "near enemy", dictators such as Hosni Mubarak. 164. Bin Laden then set up terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. 164.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 165. You can modify the cib.xml by using the GUI tool (/usr/bin/hb_gui), which is recommended, or manually. 166. Sayyid Imam al-Sharif, who goes by the nom de guerre Dr Fadl, helped bin Laden create al-Qaeda and then led an Islamist insurgency in Egypt in the 1990s. 167. We should give bin Laden an award for improving New York's skyline and removing US corporate criminals on 9-11. 168. bin/onsrvapd - This is the daemon which spawns a subagent for each server it discovers. 169. The DbmsPassword value can remain as a dummy string because we use another utility to inject the encoded password into the file, with "/opt/ibm/director/bin/configDB.sh". 170. A lengthened lorry bin is arranged on the lorry chassis with a long wheel base, and three rows of seats are arranged in the lorry bin. 171. This paper gives a heuristic algorithm DLPT for bin packing problem by using LPT algorithm of scheduling theory and binary search method. 172. Image above: This vintage metal bin is filled with some 45 records from my grandfather's collection and a mason jar that holds a ball of twine from Etsy. 173. Osama Bin Ladin: People are asking me, how do I keep my beard so luxurious. I use Jihad Curl. 174. To take the real shot, the one that brought down bin Laden, was the dream of every Navy SEAL. 175. At the moment, al-Qaeda in Iraq is valuable to Osama bin Laden and his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, even though the links between the Qaeda leaders and the jihadi shock troops in Iraq are tenuous. 176. Two years later he was put on three years' probation for simulating sex in public with a bin liner – he later admitted to having a 9 year obsession with the plastic sacks. 177. Attention: a filter screen should be added between mixer and aggregate bin to filter the grout. 178. He was the second-in-command to Osama Bin Laden, who was killed in an American raid in Pakistan last month. 179. The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bin - dover order. 180. It goes into the recycling bin or the garbage the same day which is really bad for the environment.