快好知 kuaihz

1. Aquatic sports include swimming and rowing. 2. Many forms of aquatic life inhabit ponds. 3. Swimming and water-skiing are both aquatic sports. 4. We visited an aquatic city in Italy. 5. Most species live off aquatic snails. 6. Some aquatic plants and animal species have become extinct. 7. The raccoon has a strong preference for aquatic feeding. 8. He has also experimented with aquatic plants. 9. Patricks Church, to the festive fireworks at Aquatic Park. 10. Still, this is very much an aquatic environment. 11. This tends to rob submerged aquatic plants of light and hinder their growth. 12. It is a typical aquatic plant with a very short rhizome; stems are very thin, rooting or floating in water. 13. Between mosaics of this format various aquatic devices are also significant. 14. Many species of aquatic plants can exist in very little light. 15. The usual mixture suitable for most aquatic plants, i.e. clay or sand and peat will be most suitable. 16. They feed on crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic insects, live fish and will scavenge on dead fish. 17. Sometimes listed as a deep water aquatic as it will also tolerate deep water. 18. Even aquatic terrapins need to be able to dry out by sun basking. 18.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 19. Special sachets of aquatic plant fertilizer are currently available which can be merely pushed into the container beside the plants. 20. Visitors can view a rich and colorful array of aquatic plants and animals. 21. It will be more advantageous for the aquarist to acquire pre-cultivated seedlings or fully developed plants from aquatic plant shops. 22. These fish are particularly fond of vegetable foods, and will usually eat tender aquatic plants. 23. After completing one circuit, each bird dives out of the sky into the aquatic target area. 24. An aquarium two or three years old is an ideal environment for the growth and development of all species of aquatic plants. 25. Instead of burrowing into the foliage it makes its home in the stems of aquatic plants. 26. A rich variety of plants was found in Central Region ponds, including 68 types of aquatic and 35 wetland plants. 27. More flares had joined the others, illuminating the area like some fiery aquatic tattoo. 28. As the newer varieties of catfish have appeared in my local aquatic outlet, I have been purchasing them. 29. The main reservoir for V cholerae non-O1 seems to be the aquatic environment. 30. A terrestrial plant will always be stunted in growth and assimilation and can never be a match for a true aquatic plant.