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121. Shapeshift into aquatic form . Increasing swim speed and allowing the druid to breathe underwater. 122. Develop aquatic product of efficient economy crop, pasturage and rural area energetically 2,3 industries. 123. Also, the seismic waves used to find oil harm aquatic mammals and disorient whales. 124. According to SPS of WTO, a risk assessment on the public and aquatic health impact and spread of Vibrio alginolyticusin imported frozen Chum salmon was conducted respectively. 125. The aquatic, wormlike larva of the caddis fly, enclosed in a cylindrical case covered with grains of sand, fragments of shell, and other debris. 126. Johnson, a doctoral candidate at the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, studies human influences on emerging diseases in aquatic environments. 127. The fish feed on benthos, larva of aquatic insect and other fishes. 128. As the pathogen of Cholera, Vibrio cholerae are autochthonous microbial communities in aquatic environments. 129. Furthcrly, some exploitation countermeasures and projects necessarily to be studied on the resources of aquatic plant were proposed. 130. In this method " free water'samples are taken directly in the aquatic medium. 131. Terrestrial ecosystem includes farmland, forest and rangeland, and aquatic ecosystem includes inshore, rivers and lakes. 132. The results showed that, the soft-shelled turtle depended mainly on aerial respiration, aquatic oxygen consumption was only 2.68% of total oxygen consumption. 133. In this paper, we had researched on fluctuation circle of aquatic products price between 1978 and 2000 via ratio of variation and harmonic wave. 134. Brasenia schreberi is a valuable aquatic vegetable. Lichuan Brasenia schreberi is the first national product of geographical indication in Hubei Province. 135. The fluctuation circle of aquatic products price between 1978 and 2000 via ratio of variation and harmonic wave was researched. 136. The swimming pool of Sydney's Aquatic Center is extra wide to absorb wave energy. 137. Besides rubber and cane-sugar of the pillar agricultural practices, GDA also engages in sisal, dairy, fruits, cultivation of aquatic products and animal husbandry. 138. Authors have investigated for aquatic vascular plant resources in Wenzhou and its suburbs, and 93 species, 1 subspecies and 6 varieties reported,[www.] which belonging to 33 families and 65 genera. 139. Region rich in aquatic resources, according to preliminary investigations there are 800 kinds, which is a national key protected with amphioxus, porpoises, Songjiang perch, etc. 140. The growth of aquatic plants like algae is hastened, and fish reproduction may be disrupted. 141. The outstanding son Deng Enming of aquatic animals people is the crackajack delegate of Chinese minority. 142. The method is suitable for the determination of pentachlorophenol and its sodium salt in aquatic products. 143. The Bryozoa is a group of small, sessile, filter-feeding, aquatic, colonial animals. 144. A true bug : aquatic bug adapted to living in or on the surface of . 145. Area of Po in relief lake is base of production of our country's important grain cotton oil, aquatic product. 146. A more lenient reappraisal of Alister Hardy's aquatic origins theory might help. 147. Offer the theoretical direction for cold working of the aquatic products. 148. A true bug : large aquatic bug adapted to living in or on the surface of water. 149. Paradise Island has many aquatic villas, they are surrounded by the limpidity sea. 150. And James Randerson recently chaired a debate between the Cambridge palaeontologist Simon Conway-Morris and Elaine Morgan, advocate of the "aquatic ape" hypothesis, at the Bath Literature Festival.