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(31) Marxism, my friend, has studied economics and the social classes. (32) Far into the next century, Du Bois lost support of many black church people when he espoused the creed of Marxism. (33) The image of mankind transforming nature-with its joint antecedents in Marxism and capitalism-is still dominant. (34) Second, Marxism is a challenge to the liberal view of economics. (35) The revival of non-Stalinist Marxism had breathed new life into the Trotskyist groups. (36) The success of Marxism in the modern world is quite staggering. (37) It will be instructive therefore to examine some of these different strands within Marxism. (38) Like Marxism, the theories of development have become more pluralistic and tentative. (39) In surrealism the revolution of the psychic self the inner world, was symbiotically linked with revolutionary Marxism. (40) This was the essence of Marxism[/marxism.html], and it envisaged a future which does not work. (41) Or to put it another way, he maintained that Marxism can only constitute its totality through its perpetual detours from itself. (42) Atheism for Marxism is not an optional extra or a mere facet but the very essence of it. (43) Shortly after the appearance of the article in Marxism Today, Labour lost a by-election in Greenwich. (44) As a student, he experienced a fanatical conversion to Marxism. (45) Some critics also argue that any qualification of economic determinism threatens the distinctiveness of Marxism. (46) Divorced from the program of revolutionary Marxism, cadres immersed in the mass movement eventually succumb to opportunism. (47) Intellectuals play a correspondingly enlarged role in Gramsci's Marxism, which perhaps accounts for its popularity amongst academic Marxists. (48) Even the Euro-Communists of Marxism Today welcomed the end of the old order. (49) The Second International added to the theory of Marxism and built huge organizations. (50) They were turning towards Marxism, often of a neo-Trotskyist variety, and almost never via the Labour or Communist parties. (51) Callinicos' Marxism has been repelled from the ramparts of pluralism for being ... well, Marxist. (52) This is a crusading, flamboyant Marxism, emphasising the role of the supposedly heroic and glamorous armed struggle. (53) Mannheim's ideas will now be applied to two of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology: Marxism and functionalism. (54) She had actually given Jack a copy of Marxism for Beginners. (55) But Marxism and socialism are not the only nineteenth-century political theories which have been presented in a new way during recent decades. (56) The retreat of Marxism has been paralleled by the ascendancy of the New Right. (57) It is of course an impossible task to examine the record of Marxism in such a short space as I have available. (58) And the genuine fusion of Marxism with the working-class movement was reflected in the changing social composition of the party. (59) It has often been argued that Marxism is largely based on a utopian ideology, functionalism on a ruling ideology. (60) Where Marxism is seen to advocate radical change, functionalism is seen to justify and legitimate the statusquo.